Social Media = Social Death

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The video I posted was a wild mix of funny, disturbing, and just a tad nasty. Well, maybe more than just a tad. And let's not forget about the view count, which was creeping close to 2,000 before I hit the delete button. This thing could have gone viral. Shit.

So, there I was, capturing the moment on my phone camera. Both of us staring into the lens, yelling out slurs mixed with Jacob's ex's name, and engaging in some questionable tongue action. Those 15 seconds of sheer embarrassment were bad enough, but the aftermath that ensued was a whole other realm of distress.

"Have you actually slept with him?" Tamah whispered-shouted at me, her eyes wide with a mix of disbelief and concern. We had relocated to the grand kitchen on the mansion's first floor, where I perched on the countertop, nursing my coffee, while James and Tamah occupied the vast dinner table nearby.

"Nope, not that I'm aware of," I replied with a sly smirk, prompting James to release a small sigh. Was he relieved by that revelation? Worried that I might have hooked up with Jacob last night? I'll have to figure that out later.

"Anyway, I have to head out now. James, could you give Tams a ride home?"

"No worries, Corey will be here to pick me up in half an hour."

"Alright then, I'll swing by to pick up my clothes later this week and drop off yours, James." I casually hopped off the counter and made my way to the front door where my car was parked.

"Don't worry, you can keep them. I won't be wearing those anymore."

I didn't respond. I just needed to get in my car and get out of there. Luckily, my keys were still on the passenger seat where I left them last night. I started the engine and drove away. As soon as I passed through the gates, the tears I had been holding back started to fall. What have I done? This is going to turn into a nightmare. I can't handle this. What if my parents have seen the video? They would have called me by now, right? But once something is on the internet, it's there forever. What if someone saved the video? I'm sure they did!

I pulled my car over to the side of the road, desperately needing a moment to compose myself before continuing the rest of the way home. It was a profoundly emotional 10-minute drive, marked by relentless self-questioning. Jacob Reed was undeniably attractive, with his tall stature, tousled brown hair, and piercing dark blue eyes. He had that high school crush vibe from the 2000s. But as Tamah had explicitly warned, he was off-limits. While I had noticed Jacob before, he always seemed to exist in a different realm of high school life since freshman year. Our sole connection was through James, who effortlessly navigated social circles but had remained close to us as we grew up together.

When I pulled into the driveway, my mom happened to be peering out of the kitchen window, and she waved at me cheerfully. Alright, Vi, time to gather yourself. Put on a smile and head straight to your room.

"Hi, sweetie! How was the party? Did you have a good time?" My mom greeted me with enthusiasm, practically waiting by the door as soon as I entered. However, the moment our eyes met, I broke down in tears once again.

"Mum, I messed up. I messed up big time. I can't go back to that school. I need to switch schools." I cried, falling into her arms.

"Michael? MICHAEL?" she called out towards the living room, summoning my dad's attention. She guided me to the kitchen table, ensuring I was seated, and hurried back to retrieve a glass of water and a pack of tissues. Taking her place beside me, she gently rubbed my back, providing a soothing presence.

I slumped my arms onto the table, burying my head in them, and continued to sob.

"Honey, why are you shouting? I was just about to... What happened?" My dad's voice, filled with concern, trailed off as he entered the room, seemingly frozen in his tracks.

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