science buddies

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I was working on my drawing of the unfinished portrait of Iron Man in my room. As much as I wanted to finish it really fast, I was working with patience, because I wanted it to be perfect, Mr. Stark was going to sign it so It had to look worthy. After all, you can’t rush art.

“Mr. Stark requests your presence in his garage, Ms. Solanki.” Jarvis said all of a sudden.

I flinched a little as if I faced a jumpscare. It’s going to take a long time to get used to it.

“I’m coming.” I answered before getting up from my chair and walking away from my desk towards the door, getting out of the room. As I reach the living room I look around the place, It felt so unreal to believe that I was here, a place I only ever saw in movies. But it felt so empty, I wonder if Mr. Stark ever felt that before Ms. Pepper entered his life. I could understand how he must have felt. My parents were so busy with their jobs, I was home alone most of the time. I know that feeling very well.

I started walking down the stairs that leads to the garage. As I reach down I could figure out silhouettes of two familiar people talking to each other unaware of my presence yet. I walked closer not making much noise until one of them saw me coming towards them. Mr. Stark followed his gaze and noticed me too.

“Kid, look who’s back?” He said pointing at the person infront of him.

“Doc, welcome back.” I said smiling at him.

“It’s good to be back….” He returned the gesture. “…how are you doing?”

“I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” I say looking at my stomach.

“now that’s a good news.”

“So how was your trip? Did you like my hometown?” I asked grinning after a short pause.

“wasn’t that bad. Tried to find you there.”

“Yeah about that….I’m not sure what to say. I was wondering if my variant exists or not? I mean it would be kinda weird to see yourself in another world.”

“world is a weird place. There are endless possibilities.”

“I know, cool right?”

“now that I’m back, let’s start tracking the data we got.” He told Mr. Stark.

“let’s start our party then. Kid, you’re joining us.”

I smile ear to ear and nod excitedly before Mr. Stark led us to his desk and opened all the files he had on this matter. Doc was trying to understand all of the data shown on the monitor while I was just staring at the screen dumbfounded.

“for that small amount of time the portal was open, it was radiating very small amount of Gama energy. I’m 50% sure this energy is similar to the one we got from the cube.”

“So you’re saying it was caused by the Tesseract?” I asked doc.

“possible. We know very little of it’s capabilities. If it could open a portal between two interdimentional worlds, we wouldn’t be surprised if it could open one between two different dimensions.”

“But that means someone was trying to do it purposely. one knows about multiverse in this universe this early.” I said.

“Whoever was doing it, they knew the possibilities of multiple universes. The question is who?” Mr. Stark said.

“do you know anyone who could possibly be doing this?” doc asked.

“Not in my knowledge. Actually, multiverse didn’t start existing this early in time at all. No wait, it did but then it stopped until it started again.” I tell them and they both seem confused and I try to elaborate further,

“the thing is, there were alternative universes, unaware of it’s existence, until they came in contact with each other but they got in a multiversal war to become the best one with power and every timeline destroyed each other to win, then three people who call themselves time keepers came together to stop the war and they removed every other timeline keeping only one, which they call 'the sacred timeline' and created this place called TVA aka time variance authority. They keep an eye on the sacred timeline and if anything or anyone changes it’s decided path they arrest the variant and reset the timeline so the flow of time doesn’t change. So there was only one universe now, but the funny thing is we got a series on Loki and we find out that time keepers are not real and the person who found out about the multiverse met with other variants of himself and they were evil so he’s the one who was in control of this all along and a variant of Loki killed him so now the sacred timeline created multiple branch timeline and there is no one to stop them now. And at the end we got multiple universes again.” I explained them in one breath before retaking a long breath.

Doc was looking at me with wide eyes and horror as if he just saw a ghost. I just couldn’t explain how funny he looked. Mr. Stark on other hand was looking at me with raised eyebrows but was still trying to process everything I just said.

“What?” I asked them smiling after they didn’t say anything for few seconds.

Mr. Stark was used to hearing these multiverse talks and theories because I tell him about this very often. Doc on other the hand was going to need a little more time to get used to it. He looked at Mr. Stark still with the shocked face, Mr. Stark just shoots him a proud smirk.

“I think I need an aspirin.” Doc says and turns around.

“When were you going to tell me all this?” Mr. Stark asks.

“I was…waiting for the right time.” I say looking down.

Doc turns back to me with a glass of water in his hand still confused.

“This is….all too much. If everyone find out this is gonna create chaos in science department everywhere.” Doc says.

“No no. No one can find out about this. They’re not supposed to know about this all remember? Even a little step out of order of the main timeline and it can change a lot of things and it can lead to some bad things. Although I already changed that I guess.”

“What do you mean?”

“Mr. Coulson. He was supposed to die at the helicarrier. But I couldn’t let that happen, so I tried to change it. I got in the way but Loki got me instead. But I don’t think it would change much of the main timeline.”

“how many people know about you? This different world thing I mean.” Doc asked me.

“Fury, agent Hill, Mr. Coulson, Mr. Stark, Ms. Pepper and you. And Loki too I guess he kinda looked into my mind and all that’s why he took me that day “

Doc turned to Mr. Stark again,

“This is what you deal with these days?”

“Welcome to my world, doctor.” Mr. Stark answers shrugging and turns to me,

“Wait didn’t you say this TVA place keeps everything in order and reset it? Shouldn’t they have interfered until now?”

“they should. That’s something I’ve been thinking too but I have this theory that since the multiverse is back now and He-who-remains has died, it made the sacred timeline to split into many other Nexus branches, means that the branched timelines cannot be reset, so maybe this timeline is one of those branched timelines and it cannot be taken care of. It’s not possible to reset it anymore.”

“You said it was Loki?”

“A female variant of him. She kinda was on run and TVA wanted her down, so she hated them and killed He-who-remains. Actually in a separate timeline Loki got away with the Tesseract again after you guys caught him, but TVA got him and took his help to take down the runaway variant. That was what the series was about.”

“That guy can’t take a break can he?” Mr. Stark said annoyed, I just shrug in response. As I said earlier, I don’t hate him, he is just misunderstood but now is not the time to talk about that.

“Tony, I’m gonna loose my mind.”

“not now. We need your help to track the files, you can loose it afterwards.” Mr. Stark replies patting his shoulder.

“alright, let’s do it then.”

They don’t waste another second to start the work. They start working in their computers and the file they are supposed to track while I sit besides them pretending I understand what exactly they are doing. Well, at least I got to sit with them. It’s really cool. To see two of the Avengers work beside you. No one would ever believe me. Just like this we spend two hours trying to track the files.

“They must be really smart, it’s getting really hard to track them. They knew exactly what they were doing and know how to hide it.” Doc said tired already.

“They can be smart but nothing can beat the Stark tech, we’ll get them.” Mr. Stark answers.
“so….is this movie famous?” Doc asked me.

Mr. Stark was on another corner of the garage working on something while me and doc were still at the desk sitting on our chairs, facing each other.

“Famous is an understatement. It’s one of the most famous franchise in the world. Everyone loves it.”

“am I a part of it then?”

“Dude, you’re of the main cast. You’re part of the OG 6.”

“OG 6?”

“The original avengers. The one who started it all. You, Ironman, cap, black widow, Hawkeye, Thor.”

“There’s more?”

“There will be. But there’s still a lot of time until then.”

Doc gives me the shocked look again and nods lightly.

“Don’t loose it, Banner. Our work isn’t done yet.” Mr. Stark said in a raised voice from where he was standing.
“What does the future look like?” Doc asks again.

All three of us were tiredly lying on ground in a circle with our heads touching in the middle, papers messily scattered everywhere around us.

“Mine or yours?”

“It’s different for both?”

“I mean…..we don’t have avengers or aliens and all that stuff.”

“what’s your world like?”

“Well, it’s the same as this, just without the superhero stuff. It was in a global pandemic when I came here, there was this virus that killed millions all over the world, it's still not gone. It keeps getting back with upgraded versions. We had to live in a lockdown for two years. Everyone hated it, but I kinda liked staying at home.”

Doc gives me a judging look for a second before looking back at ceiling.

“Wow.” He whispers.

“Is your technology any better than ours?” Mr. Stark asks.

“Nope. Not even in 2021. You guys are living in the better world for that.”

“wait, 2021?” doc asks.

“Yeah, that’s the time I come from. I kinda do have a better phone than anyone else in this time.” I take out my phone from my pocket and open the camera then raise it high in the air to take a selfie.

“Smile.” I says grinning and Mr. Stark gave a peace sign while doc on the other hand had an awkward confused expression on his face as I click the picture. I laugh at his reaction before he takes my phone from my hand to inspect it.

“Is it fingerprint locked?”


“Don’t act like that Banner. You’re embarrassing us scientists in front of a kid.” Mr. Stark tell him.

“But this is genius, Tony. Take a look at this.”

“I already did.”
“Another question, what kind of person am I in your world?” doc asked me sitting on his chair at his desk while Mr. Stark threw a baseball at me who was standing a little far from him.

I catch it before answering,

“I don’t know you personally, you’re a famous actor dude but you got a family and all.” I answered before throwing the ball back at Mr. Stark.

“the real question is how the old man is like in that world?” Mr. Stark said catching the ball.

“He's the total opposite from cap, he’s really childish.” I said laughing.

“Now that’s a site I’d pay all of my money to see.” Mr. Stark smirked and threw the ball back.
“What do you think happened to your family in your world after you disappeared?”

I stopped chewing the noodles I was eating after hearing that question all of a sudden. My mind filled with endless possibilities of what happened, and non of them were happy. Knowing how overprotective my parents are, I just left without a trace, I couldn’t imagine the suffering they must be going through. All because of me.

“I….don’t know. I just hope they’re okay.” I say after swallowing. Doc nods and I take another bite from my Chinese takeout.

I was feeling guilty again for enjoying my time here, while God knows what my parents must be going through right now. And my best friend, she would be worried just the same. I miss telling her everything about my day. Doc was busy eating his food and didn’t notice my gloomy expression but Mr. Stark did. He gives me a worried look as I looked back at him and came out of the storm my mind was making and went back to eating.
“If Tesseract caused this then there’s a problem with this theory because it was in SHIELD's hand this whole time.” Mr. Stark said.

“You think SHILED could pull something like that?” Doc suggested.

'well, SHIELD isn’t even SHIELD. It is HYDRA. And the cube was in their possession. Wait. Would they do something like that?’


‘if it was them then why would they do it? It could be a blind experiment to test it’s abilities. Or they could be purposely doing it. Multiverse is after all a pretty famous theory. They could be testing it with the cube's ability. And if they did they must have known by now that they successfully did something. And the next thing they know is that SHIELD takes in a girl they found out of no where.’


‘HYDRA’s not dumb. They must have noticed something is off about this. Fury did cover it with a fake profile but is it enough?’

“kid, you listening?”


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