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Days passed by and the distance between Avni and Neil also started to grow. Khanna and Mehta's families got to see their children are distancing themselves from each other. 

It was one fine day, Bebe, Neil's Grandmother, confronted Sahil about the things that happen between both husband and wife to which Sahil replied he doesn't know but ended up spilling beans in front of her.

That's how both the families got to know and from then, they left no stone unturned to bring them close to each other but ended up realizing it would be easy to bang their heads on the wall. Even on their 2nd Anniversary, they both didn't have a proper conversation. He wanted to start but was afraid of his wife. Like this, every day passes but his fear doesn't.

It's been 9 months since they talked with each other. Every other day, she waits for him to start a conversation but ends up upsetting herself with the expectations. Every other day, he wants to initiate a conversation to clear things, but being at fault, his fear doesn't let him do that.

It's was just a normal day in Mehta's house, where all the elders are chilling while having their evening tea. That's when Ashish got a panic attack. They immediately rushed to the hospital because of which Ashish was saved.

"He's stressed about something and make sure he gets out of it. It was a severe one and if it repeats, we can't save him, it may lead to cardiac arrest." That's all doctor said and recommended them to take an appointment with a psychiatrist, for him.

"Good Evening, Mr. Mehta. Are you comfortable in talking that why are you here?" All the young psychiatrist got was silence as an answer.

"Seeing your profile of panic attack, What are you stressed about Mr. Mehta? I mean, you've no tensions too to worry about. Your daughters are happily married and your son has taken up your business and what is there to worry?" The psychiatrist tried to push him a bit and that worked perfectly. Aashish, who's so lost in his world snapped out hearing him again!

"Who said to you that there's nothing for me to worry about, Mr...?"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, Dr.Parth, psychiatrist! And by hearing you, something is bothering you all the time?! May I know what it is?" To which Ashish replied

"Why do you want to know? Anyway, you can't solve the problem right!?" Saying Ashish stood on his heels and turned to go but stopped listening to what the doctor said.

"Maybe there's something I can help? Just let out your worries out, it may help you feel better!" Thinking for a minute, Ashish came and took a seat in front of the doctor and explained about his Younger daughter's married life, which he's stressed about.

After hearing the whole thing, Parth scratched his neck being confused by this man's words. "Why do you want your daughter to be with that guy who was about to cheat her? I mean..." Cutting his sentence in the middle Aashish glared at him.

"Dare you say a word about my Son In Law! He's a gem of a boy. He would never cheat my daughter. Not in his dreams also." Aashish snorted at the young doctor.

"And by the way, you heard the whole thing right. I mean my daughter's nature, her anger, and my Son's patience everything right! Then why don't my daughter just leave that person behind and move on? I'll let you know! Because He's Neil, just belongs to Avni! They both love each other, even today also. That's what my daughter thinks! And that's the Truth." Slamming his fist on the table, Aashish stared at Parth who was gulping the lump in his throat.

"I can help you with this! If you want me to?!" Parth shrugged his shoulders. Hearing him, Aashish's eyes lighten up.

"You can?" Ashish asked excitedly, to which parth nodded his head in yes.

"Okay then do one thing, for this, I should be visiting you daily in your house and your daughter and her husband also should be staying at the same place as you do? Done?!" Parth said.

"It's fine with me and Thank you so much!" Ashish said hugging the young one in front of him.

The same day, Aashish shifted to Khanna's house saying he wants some change in the environment and want to be with his daughter.

Informing about Parth's arrival, Aashish paced to and fro in the garden, thinking about how would he bring them close again. 

That's when he heard a honk and turned his head around to witness his son-in-law is here. Yeah, it's just 5 in the evening, but since that incident, he never came late home. Never after 6'o clock.

"Hi, Papa!" Ashish snapped out of his reverie when he heard someone calling him. Seeing Neil, taking a seat beside him, he smiled at him, somewhat nervously.

"Hi, Neil! You're early today?" Shifting beside him a bit, he asked Neil to which Neil's face got pale.

"It's just my daily routine, papa!" Neil said while staring at the evening sun.

"Things will get normal soon Neil, don't stress yourself about it." Aashish consoled him while tears brimmed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Papa!" That's what left his lips after hearing Aashish.

Aashish felt bad for the guy. "Don't let the past ruin a beautiful present, Neil!" Patting his shoulder he said and asked Neil to go and get fresh and after that, they both will talk. Nodding his head, Neil left the place in seconds while seeing him Aashish heaved a sigh.

"Hi, uncle!" Parth cheered Aashish with his smile which made Aashish smile brightly.

"Hi, parth! You're on time man!" Patting the young man's head, Aashish said to which Parth replied "Always!"

Talking about random things first, Aashish asked him about going inside the home. Entering the living room, they got to see all of them are having their Evening tea while Parth greeted the elders and moved towards Avni and Neil who were sitting miles away from each other.

"Hey, Neil, what's up?" Greeting him, Parth sat beside Neil making him confused.

"We didn't meet, I suppose." Neil stared at him.

"Yeah but I know about you! I mean Aashish uncle talked about you!" Blinking his eyes, Parth glanced at Aashish who was looking at them curiously.

"Ohh!" That's what left Neil's lips while Parth chuckled looking at him.

"By the way, I'm parth, psychiatrist of Aashish uncle." Parth forwarded his hand.

"Nice to meet you," said Neil and left to the garden followed by Aashish.

After explaining why Parth is here, Aashish looked at Neil who's so lost in his thoughts.

"Do you think that we can come close cause of this some Parth? I mean you all had tried and got the best results right! Then why? If by mistake it gets her to rile up, then what? You all know about her anger right! I hope she won't leave me and go this time." Neil sighed, exhausted of the metal stress he puts up to himself. 

"If something like that happens na, I'll strangle that Parth cause I can't do the same with you! As of now, she is not talking to me but is in front of me. She's somewhere living under the same roof as I am. And, that is enough for me. So, if even the slightest thing goes wrong with us cause of him..." Leaving the sentence in the middle Neil turned around to witness His FIL and Parth flung opened their mouths.

Closing them, Neil passed them inside the home. "Have you heard what did he say? So, if something goes wrong, he'll kill you, no doubt." Aashish said glancing at parth.

"What about you then?!" Parth stared at Aashish.

"If he does something to me, my daughter will kill him, and he knows that. That's why he just talked about you." Saying Aashish asked him to follow him. 

Thank you all. Bye Bye

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