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Y/n spun the axe around as she walked towards Las Nevadas, it was a cold night and she was wearing her outfit with the hood on top of herself.

Nobody could recognise her from the darkness and the hood, which benefitted her a lot.

Y/n entered Las Nevadas and nobody was in sight, all the lights were lit up which complemented the atmosphere.

The h/c walked over to the strip club and heard music playing inside, she entered and instantly could smell weed and sweat.

Y/n pushed past the people dancing and drinking as she pulled down her hood and  walked towards the dark haired man.

Quackity was sitting at the back of the club with a bunch of people, gambling away.

The girl cleared her throat once she was behind the dark haired man, Quackity turned around and smirked.

''Y/n, welcome to the best place of Las Nevadas. I would love to show you around but you aren't wel-''

Y/n grabbed Quackity by his tie and dragged him to the front of the club, once they got outside she threw him onto the ground.

Quackity coughed as he got up and brushed the sand off of himself. ''What is your problem now Y/n.''

''I know it was you who sent that message, you killed my cat.''

''Boohoo a cat is dead. Black cats are known for bad luck you should know this.''

Y/n narrowed her eyes at him and went to punch him until he put his hand up and motioned it towards the guards standing all around.

The h/c girl slowly put down her hand and looked at the guards, then back at the dark haired man.

''Quackity you're on last fucking warning before I kill you.'' 

Quackity smirked as he fiddled with a red and black poker chip,  he put it into his pocket then grabbed Y/n by her arm.

''Y/n why don't I show you a bit of Las Nevadas huh? Ease some steam and maybe mend our relationship.''

''The only thing you'd be mending is the urge to slaughter you.'' 

Quackity chuckled and leaned in closer to her, he looked at her and smirked. ''Come on Y/n, take a drink with me.''

Y/n and Quackity both sat at the bar drinking, Y/n was watching the female strippers dance on the stage and poles.

''Great aren't they? Listen Y/n me and you are more alike than you think.''

Y/n turned to look at the dark haired man who was sipping his drink.

Quackity finished his drink then put down the glass and sighed. ''We were both manipulated by Schlatt and betrayed by people we cared for.'' 

''Like anybody would care for you.'' Y/n lifted her glass and began to move it around as the liquid swirled.

''More people care for me than you Y/n.''

''Oh yeah? What about George, Karl and Sapnap? They all practically love me. I don't blame them, who wouldn't.'' 

Y/n began to smirk while Quackity glared at her, he scoffed and motioned the bartender for another drink.

''Listen here, you are in my territory. Your territory is 6 feet under.'' 

Y/n glanced at Quackity as she downed the rest of her drink, she slammed the glass down onto the table and turned to face him.

''Quackity might I remind you where you stand. You are nothing, you will always be nothing. Everybody left you because you are a nobody. You lose.'' 

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