Chapter 13 ~ Rescued Them!

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Here's the update. I've planned for another book. It's indian historic novel. If I'm once done with sketching the characters and plot, I will update you.

It's ok if you're not an Indian. I will explain everything which will be new to you in in the author's note.

I will bring to your notice when I'm done uploading. Now, let's get into the story.



Rosalyn's pov :-

Again a peaceful morning without remembering any pain. I have no burden now. I feel free. I feel that my legs are getting good day by day.. or maybe it's because of the pain killer? Well.. anyways.. wounds will disappear one day.. but they leave scars.

I hope that today will be a good and happy day. I slowly moved out of my room with my fractured leg. I saw Denise going downstairs. She came near me and helped me getting downstairs. I slowly sat on the old sofa placed in there.

I sighed deeply thinking of my leg. When it will completely cure? I miss my old healthy leg. My whole life is a mess. My mom should've killed me before I born if she doesn't like me. She gave me a pain more than death..

I said to Denise, "oops.. I forgot to fresh up.. can you help me go upstairs?" Carolyn said, "umm... Your leg can't do that. Also what if water gets dropped in your wound.. so I think you can only get dressed after washing your face and hands.."

Ummm... Well! I went back upstairs. I was exhausted. Denise said, "I've kept your bag in the corner of the room. Wear a loose cloth rather than the right ones." I thanked her and closed my room from inside.

After a face wash and a hand wash, I wore a black Sleeveless T-shirt with a loose  white shorts. It was really hard for me to wear that shorts because of my leg injury. Then I rested sometimes in my bed thinking about my messy life and that pervert Asher. I don't want to think about him.. but I still remember that incident.

He was holding my hands tightly with eyes full of tears before we reached the helipad.

I heard Carolyn's voice calling me.. I slowly opened my eyes. She said, "let's have some lunch and then you can rest again." I was so sleepy and was not able to answer.. yeah! I agree that I'm a lazy goose.

We were having lunch silently. Judson said, "me and Jack are going out today to take some torches, first aid kit, for extinguisher, and some basic survival things." Carolyn was reluctant to let them out. I could read her mind.

I said, "but.. I don't think it's safe. There's a crowd of zombies standing infront of the supermarket.. it's not at possible to go in there!" Jack said, "we planned where to go. We aren't going to supermarket. I'm going to your school rose.." wait! My school? They are going to save my classmates?

I said, "b-but... You don't wanna save them. They will be a headache!" Judson said, "for now! In this endemic, Each and every soul is very important.. also.. we are about to go there for our basic survival things. I think they might help us with that. Remember! Unity is always strength.."

Yeah he's right! But what if they bully me again? Wait! They should've learnt a lesson in that hell classroom. I think I might give them a chance..

The Zombie Zone [completed]✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt