Chapter 10

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Dedicated to @luvllymack and @bubbleberry162 my two new followers!

Thank you both for your support!!


August 29, 2017 - Wayne Manor

Alfred POV - 

All in all, dinner was going fairly smoothly. As smooth as one could possibly hope for in this family at least. There has been minimal death threats from Jason and Damien, and few fights actually broke out. Only one knife has gone sailing through the air with intent to harm. I can really see that Miss Marinette has already changed my young Master Damien, and he has changed her. 

I silently observe from the kitchen, where I am preparing dessert. Damien is relaxed for the first time in the 5 years he had been here. He was sitting in his seat with a ridged spine and a blank face, yes. But his usual disdain for his family had vanished, replaced with a fond and loving look in his eyes. Marinette, on the other hand, had altered from the sweet young woman who had gotten into the limo just a few hours ago. She was more confident, spoke freely. She responded to Jason's quips easily, not even flinching when he dropped an indecent word or two. This was a young woman who needed her allies to feel safe, and she had just been handed her biggest one of all. 

The two balanced each other perfectly, where he was aggressive and blunt, plowing forward without a second glance; she was kind and calm, but a look in her eyes said that she could take you down just as easily, if not easier than Damien. That made me develop a healthy respect for this fine young woman, and further set into my mind that she was perfect for my rash young master.


Bruce POV - 

I watch the young girl interact with my son and smile. This was the first time I had ever seen him act his age. It was refreshing. As the night went on, he looked less and less like a killer and more like a teenage boy. 

Damien was currently sitting as close to Marinette as the chairs would allow, one of his hands intertwined with her's; the two hands resting in her lap. 

I watched them have whole discussions with just light tilts of their head and eyes. They were obviously extremely close. It made me wonder how long they had really known each other. How in the world they had gotten this close. She seemed to know what he was thinking before even he did, and vise versa. It is kind of scary to say the least. I am snapped out of my analytic stupor when a rather startling comment is made.

"You know since you guys are bats, you should figure out a way for me to talk to the JL because I asked for help while I was fighting in Paris and someone freaking laughed in my face when I called." I froze. 1) She knew our secret identities. 2) She is also some kind of hero or vigilante. 3) She is downright scary when pissed off. 

I glance at Damien, who seems to sense my confusion. He just shrugs.

"I just got her back I am not going to hide anything from her. I trust her with my life, which is five times as much as I trust the rest of you." I blinked. Chloe, who had been chatting with Stephanie up until now turned to look at the rest of us. She cocked her head to the side, piecing together who was who. She turned to Marinette, a look of surprise on her face.

Well there's no going back now.

"Well... I guess I could set up a meeting with the Justice League. But what, might I ask, was the situation in Paris?" She looked at me for a second, eyes boring into mine. 

"We have Miraculous. Up until now, there had only been my box - which was missing a few Miraculi. The Peacock, Moth, and Bat. The Peacock and Moth had both resurfaced and I had to fight the users. Hawkmoth and Mayura. They both bestow gifts upon people, the Moth can give people powers and the Peacock can give them monsters to do their bidding. It was extremely difficult because I had to use a kid that wasn't a true Chat Noir - it went on for long enough that the bond he and his Kwamii shared started corrupting." I saw Damien wince at that, it seems he had known much more than he let on.

"There's still me - Ladybug, Chloe - Sting, Luka - Viperion, and Kagami - Ryuko. There were more people who I had recruited but they weren't true holders. So I couldn't leave them with a Miraculous. All is well though because they lost my trust very soon after the last battle." Marinette shrugged and returned to her meal. I blinked.

"So you have been a hero with your own city for..."

"4 years. I was 13." I inhale sharply.

"You had your own city at 13?! I don't know wether to fear you for being able to handle that or pity you because no child should have to deal with that and becoming a teenager at the same time." Dick spoke with a tense smile on his face. He remembered what is was like balancing being a sidekick and a teen - it was difficult for the both of us. 

She laughed, and it seemed to make the whole room brighter.

"Fear, definitely." She said with a cool glint in her eye and a wide smile on her face.

Oh I have no doubt my boys are going to end up fearing this tiny child.


Chloe POV - 

I watched as my dear Mari explained what our... predicament... had been for the last 4 years. It hadn't been until a couple months ago that we had actually gotten the city out of the grasp of Hawkmoth, so the majority of our teen years had been fighting a crazy Miraculous Holder who used people's emotions to hold them hostage. It was an... interesting childhood.

It surprised me when she had mentioned that I was a True Holder. I hadn't been told that yet, but it does make sense that she would let the True Holders keep their Miraculi. After all - once the bond is formed, it's near impossible to break; usually hurting both Kwamii and Holder in the process of breaking it. 

I reach into my bag and pet Pollen. She was my best friend, and she really understood me. She had helped me when even Mari couldn't. Honestly I have no clue where I would be without her. 

"You had your own city at 13?! I don't know wether to fear you for being able to handle that or pity you because no child should have to deal with that and becoming a teenager at the same time." I smile at Dick's outburst, Mari laughs. 

"Fear, definitely." My smile grows at that. 

It's true. I know I fear her.

Mari was someone who you didn't want to mess with, and I fear for the League member that laughed at her plea. When angry, Mari sometimes forgets to pull her punches. I had seen her lose her cool with a few nasty akumas, and lets just say that without the Miraculous Cure they would've been in rough shape.

The conversation changes topic a few minutes later, and I listen as my dear Marinette laughs - really laughs - for the first time in over 2 years. I smile and laugh along with her. Gotham may be a dark place, but it has given me back one of the brightest lights in my life.

This would be a trip that none of us would forget any time soon.


Word count: 1275

edited 7/26/23

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