chapter three

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miami, floridamonday, july 11th10:12 a

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miami, florida
monday, july 11th
10:12 a.m.

-eren's pov-

College is for pussies.

Mom always told me to go and get a good education, make good money, get a wife, have kids, and do all that senior citizen bullshit when I get older. Fuck that. In my first year of this endless hell and I'm on the verge of dropping out.

I already have a somewhat steady income, isn't that we go to college for? Work for years just to go out into the real world and to get a job? Only to get money from a job you hate. Working nine to five with a crap income and crap bosses. That life just isn't for me. But god, if mom knew that I was about to drop out, she'd never talk to me or see me as her son. Damnit Carla!

The band is everything I need. Ever since Hot Summer Nights, we've been getting more requests to sing and do openings at events. I really do think that we're gonna make it. Actually. We made two-thousand dollars last night and split it evenly between us. Five-hundred each.

That's enough to make ties meet for the next two weeks.

This whole college shit is pointless. I'll just keep taking out loans that will eventually start building up and I'll be paying off student loans until I'm fifty. Bullshit.

I wipe my face with my hands and groan. The clock on my nightstand reads: 10:15 a.m.

It's too early for me. I just got in at two in the morning from opening at The Hook, a new bar, and we stayed out late. I had to drive everyone home because they were black out drunk. Typically, I don't like to drink. I'll do it on certain occasions. I'm twenty-two, I have all the time in the world to devote my life to alcohol.

Maybe if I ever had a mid-life crisis.

Class this morning starts at 10:35. My sleep schedule is fucked up from all of the nights with rehearsal.

But, I don't have anything to do today, and the guys are busy today. Jean is looking for places to have rehearsal (so we can move out of his garage), Connie is tagging along with him, and Armin is out with his new girlfriend.

Significant others aren't right for me—at least right now. Sure, maybe a good fuck buddy would do the trick. Something to release stress on? Things are too hectic, and I want to devote everything I have to the band. Slacking never leads to good things, and I really believe we're going places.

I get out of bed and don't bother making it. My one-bedroom apartment is located about five minutes from campus, so I guess that's a perk. It's the perfect fit for me, quiet and spacious. I'm pretty sure only old people live here. Never a sound.

I flick there light on in my bathroom and it takes me a second to adjust to the brightness of the light. Taking up my toothbrush and applying toothpaste, I get to work on my teeth. Mint flavoring covers my mouth and leaves me feeling satisfied.

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