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Until night, Jiang Zheng was lying on the bed, still thinking about Bai Qiming's words. No matter how many reasons he finds for himself, in the end he has to admit that he seems to have a different idea for Yu Qian.

Thinking about what I've done recently, I specially asked her for a concert ticket, I went to pick her up at night, when she hit her foot, she would run up without thinking, I don't want Bai Qiming to have close contact with her, fear She was scared in the hospital alone and called her on purpose...

Not to mention giving her food and talking to her.


Jiang Zheng kicked the bed a little irritably, his heart beating like thunder.

He took out his mobile phone, pulled out Yu Qian's sleeping photos, and pointed his fingers on the photos. It looks like Yu Qian is really cute.

Although sometimes she is as fierce as a little tigress, but most of the time she looks very cute and hurts, especially when she is crying, it makes people want to pluck the stars and moons for her.

Jiang Zheng looked at it, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. When the screen of the phone went black, he saw his idiot-like smile on the phone, his expression changed, and he threw the phone far away.

How did he become the same as Bai Qiming's playful pervert? Yu Qian is not yet 17 years old, he is a beast!

Regarding Bai Qiming's undisguised preference for Lin Niannian since he was a child, Jiang Zheng has always felt that he is ill, and has always used him as a teaching material to warn himself that he must never fall in love with any woman.

Look at Bai Qiming's appearance, how calm he is on the surface, but how crazy he is in his heart. He carefully guards a person, and he doesn't even dare to show his intentions blatantly, for fear of increasing the psychological burden on the other party. Jiang Zheng has always been worried about Bai Qiming. One day I drove myself completely crazy.

But I didn't expect that this thing of love is really **** unreasonable, and it came without warning.

Jiang Zheng sighed in frustration. He now understands Bai Qiming's psychology a little bit. The person he likes is still underage, and there are still many uncertainties in the future. What can they do before they are ready?

She can only watch quietly, occupy the most important position in her heart little by little, and fight for a future for herself.

Jiang Zheng thought so, no wonder people say that things gather together and people are divided into groups. He had always thought that Bai Qiming was an outlier, no one would have locked himself up for life early, but he didn't expect that he would also fall down and stay in the pit willingly.

It really is as black as a crow in the world!

Jiang Zheng went around the bed again and picked up the phone on the ground. He clicked on Yu Qian's WeChat, and poked her cartoon avatar fiercely. It was because she usually smiled so well-behaved that he couldn't help but soften his heart.

She cursed hard in her heart, but she unconsciously changed a note for Yu Qian - Xiao Yu'er.

Yu Qian always felt that Jiang Zheng's eyes were weird. Unlike in the past, he always had a playful look, but now, in his eyes, he always felt a little more gentle, gentle? ?

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