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Horace Walls - 20

"Bye my baby I love you so much" Soriya hugged Kani

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"Bye my baby I love you so much" Soriya hugged Kani

She decided to let me take him in tour which I was happy about

"Imma miss you" she pouted kissing all over his face

"Bye mommy" he smiled wrapping his little arms around her neck

"You leaving me for a whole month papa" she looked at him

"I be back" he gave her a reassuring smile

"I know imma miss you so much" she told him one last time before standing up

"Please watch my baby" she came to me

"You know he good" I told her

"We got another few hours for we dip you can spend some time with him" I told her walking to her room laying on her bed

After thirty minutes or so she walked in yawning

"Why you in my bed" she asked

"Where Kani" I questioned

"He sleep" she told me slipping her sweatpants off leaving her in Nike pro shorts

She laid on the bed far away from me

"Come here" i rasped pilling her into me

"Horace move" she chuckled tryna pull away

I looked at her staring into her face as she did the same

We both leaned in until our lips connected

We fought for dominance and I won flipping us over

I kissed all around her body before pulling my clothes off

"I missed you Riya" I told her before sliding into her entrance

"Fuck" she moaned

We went three rounds before it was gone for me and Kani to go

"Imma fuck with you" I said wrapping my arms around her waist

"Bye Nardo" she chuckled

"By stinka" she kissed his forehead before closing the front door

"I'm finna be to the bus in a minute" I told Tony he replied with a simple ok before hanging up

Pulling into my old neighborhood I got out meeting up with everybody else

"Daddy" I heard Riyah

"Wassup Princess you look pretty" I smiled down at her

"Thank you" she said grabbing Kani hand

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