1.- what are subliminals?

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I'd like to mention eggtopia's video on the topic of subliminals, thanks to her I structured this chapter and learned a few little things I didn't know before. Be sure to check her out!

I remember when I was about 12 years old, I watched Ke$ha's 'Die Young' music video. I vividly remember reading the comments and gasping in horror when I saw people saying that there were satanic 'subliminal messages' in the song/music video. I automatically associated the word 'subliminal' with something bad, something to manipulate me, something that could hurt me like the comments on those videos were claiming.

Obviously, now-a-days, I realised those comments were extremely stupid and hold no water. However, I must admit, when I  stumbled upon my first subliminal video while looking for weight loss tips, I was a bit unnerved. The word 'subliminal' always meant mind-control, manipulation, (just horrible things in general) to me. When I first listened to a subliminal audio, I had no idea what was going to happen.

I quickly realised that the word 'subliminal' doesn't allude to anything bad at all! I had just associated 'subliminals' with the word 'evil' in my mind due to me watching many conspiracy theories as a child.

According to Google, the word 'subliminal' means the following:

Existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual: a subliminal stimulus; subliminal advertising.

Basically, behind the music in the videos we watch, there are positive affirmations in a low voice,  and our conscious mind isn't able to pick up these affirmations, but the subconscious mind does.

For example, I wasn't a very happy person before in my life. I was mentally ill during a period in my life, had barely any confidence or motivation to do anything. Now, imagine a video with a song that covers the following spoken sentences:

I am confident, I am the happiest person on earth, I love myself, I love being myself, I'm doing new things...

Your conscious mind isn't able to pick up these affirmations while listening to said video, however, your subconscious mind does pick it up. If you fill your subconscious mind with these messages, it will help you out and give you results. The body always listens to the mind, not the other way around, so if you're listening to a subliminal that makes you earn muscle, the body will listen to your mind and give you external results.

Affirmations can be simple, complex, exaggerated...

Simple: I am confident.

Complex: I am the most confident girl.

Exaggerated: I am a million times more confident than before.

Some subliminals are stronger than others, some require you to drink water while listening, others are 10 hours long, others are incredibly short but with strong affirmations... I can't tell you what types of subliminals will 100% work for you, it's up to you to experiment and keep track of.

Remember, trust the process. It may seem silly, but if you're patient and believe in what you're doing. You'll start seeing results, even if it takes time at first. It took me a few tries before I found what types of subliminals work for me.


1.- Read the comments on the video and their progress, especially to make sure the subliminal is safe (I'll explain later how a subliminal can be unsafe).

2.- Read the description, normally the sub creator gives out instructions, such as: drink water, listen twice a day...

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