Do You Think He had a Choice?

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Hello! I'm so very sorry this took so long, I was drawing the cover and wasn't liking how it was turning out, so it took awhile. I hope you like this, and a new chapter of my other fic will be out soon!

Prison was miserable. Phil was supposed to get him out in 3 days. It's been what he could only presume is 2 months! Well, they don't really have anyway to tell the time, but Sam delivers potatoes once a day, and he's delivered about 60 times.

There was literally nothing to do. There were books, but a lot of them were full of Dream's ramblings.

He could look around the cell, like he hasn't done that hundreds of times. But on yet another lap, Techno notices speckles of blood on the floor. It looks old but there is quite a lot of it.

Did Quackity do this to Dream? Another torture session?

"Dream, did Quackity do this?" Techno bluntly stated, pointing down at the dried blood pool. Dream looked over, before letting out a laugh.

"Oh no that's not my blood." Dream said, but that didn't make sense, who else could have bled out in the cell.

"Heh?" Techno replied before Dream got up and sat down beside the pool. His eyes were fully of something Techno couldn't describe. They looked upon the pool dreamily.

"That's Tommy's blood, isn't it pretty?" Dream said, his tone full of possessiveness. Dream sounded like he was addicted to it like a drug, "Sam was meant to clean it up, but I wouldn't let him. To many good memories. Tommy is nice when he is quiet. Dead, yeah but all I had to do is revive him and boom! Good as new."

Techno's face morphed to disgust as he left the pool.

Why is Dream so attached to a traitor. He just worms his way into people's lives and takes what he want and leaves when you finally get along and enjoy spending time with him. He leaves when your at the point of willingness to do anything for him.

This is something Techno wants to know. Out of all the people he could go after, why choose him?

"Why do you like Tommy so much?" Techno said as he slumped do in front of the lectern.

Another giggle left Dream's mouth. It was kinda creepy. All this time in jail really made Dream crazy.

"Oh, Tommy is wonderful. He's so easy to manipulate yet it's still so satisfying seeing him go from loud and annoying to quiet and obedient." Dream said rocking on the ground. He stood up when he finished and walked over to Techno.

"But still he's a backstabbe-" Techno began to say before he was interrupted by Dream.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Dream whispered to him, as if afraid someone could hear him.

That was highly impossible because the lava drowned out the sound to anyone on the other side, and they broke the camera a while a go, removing anything that can hear them.

Techno cocked his head to the side before nodding his head.

"Sometimes, when I get lonely, I control Ranboo. I think he call it his 'enderwalk' state. I go visit Tommy. It's nice watching him sleep. Sometimes he talks about you. He seems so scared of you, that you hate him so much and that you will just give him to me no matter if he loves you or not. Geez, I'm surprised he didn't leave you sooner, all your comments mixed with my manipulation must show how much he loves you, yet so scared that you'll just hurt him. Do you remember how he would sleep talk his thou-"

"Yes I remember his sleep thinking, he used to say how scare he was of you finding him." Techno interrupted, Dream pouting at that. Did he really care that much?

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