Episode 1

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I Refuse the Position of the Crown Princess!

"What are the accomplishments of Emperor Goji?"

"In order to stabilize the lives of the people, the people he ordered the nobles to purchase the manure fertilizer in large quantities. This allowed citizens to obtain fertilizer at a lower cost and thus they were able to prolong the harvest season."

"That is correct."

The professor looked at his student, pleased. He was proud of her for remembering what he'd taught her yesterday and found her to be an exceptional student. For a girl of only 16, she was quite mature and behaved admirably during class.

She studied continuously in order to retain all of the day's learning. While she was not a genius or a prodigy, she worked hard enough to make up for any shortcomings. The professor preferred this type of quiet, obedient student over those who were clever but arrogant.

"Today, we will be learning about Emperor's Goji other accomplishments," he began.

"Yes, professor."

There was much more to learn about Emperor Goji. The girl prepared to take note as the professor lectured her
about his history on the chalkboard.

Tying her brown hair into a neat ponytail, her chocolate eyes followed the professor's every movement raptly. She was completely and utterly focused on the task at hand.

"Class is over for today. Your homework is just to copy your notes on the content from today's lecture."

The girl was planning on doing so whether the professor had assigned it to her or not. She found it difficult to learn new things in History if she didn't remember what came in the past.

"Thank you, professor."

"The pleasure is mine."

The professor left with a small bow, the girl sighed and drop the gracious smile from her face.

"How boring," she sighed.

"The professor was wise but painfully dull. She barely managed to stay awake during his lectures.

"When am i ever going to finish all of this?" she grumbled.

The amount if work required for the professor's lesson was enormous, and it took an even greater amount of effort for the girl to keep up with it all.
She was not fond of history, but she was required to learn it as a member of the aristocracy.

"Lady Aris!" a maid said, stepping into the room.

Her name was Lucine and she was the main character of the original novel.

"What's next?"

"Your dance lessons, my lady."

The days event were identical to those of yesterday, and they'd be the same tomorrow and the day after that. She would wake up, go to history lessons in the morning, eat lunch, then go to dancing lessons in the afternoon. After that, she would eat dinner, finish her homework, then go to sleep.

She had thought being a lady meant she'd be able to sleep, eat, and play all day, but that couldn't have been further from reality. There was so much to do, and so many lectures to attend. Thankfully, she wasn't being tasted on the material, but she still disliked studying--she simply felt there was no need to express it.

In the original novel, Aris Horissen hated schoolwork. She refused to study and forced Lucine to do her homework in her stead. Thanks to that, Lucine became a well-educated and cultured woman despite her birth status. That wouldn't happen this time.

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