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Chapter Two

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The sunlight from the windows practically blinds me, my hungover state definitely having an effect on me. I have a game tonight. The last thing I need is to be hungover.

Swinging my legs to the side of the bed, I sit up groggily and run a hand through my messed-up curls. I haven't been okay since I got to the hotel. Since our plane landed in Arizona.

I've kept up with her life as much as she probably thinks I haven't. I know that for whatever reason she's moved back to live near her family again thanks to Ethan and I's conversations. She dropped down to only going to school part-time. She's still at Briarwood, but she takes online classes.

Maybe the reason for that is that she realized how stressed out she was. She got into the med program at Briarwood, the best one in the country, but I had no doubt that she would. What I can't figure out though is why she'd move back home. I thought she loved her internship. She loved the kids there.

Jesus. Why the hell am I thinking so much about her? I mean, she's on my mind a lot, but never like this. I know it's because I'm back here though. I'm back where it all started between us. I'm home.

Heading into the kitchen of my suite, I pop open the fridge, disappointed when I see nothing in it.


This hotel has to have room service, right? I head back into the bedroom and find a phone to call the front desk. They pick up after only two rings.

"Hey, do you have room service?"

"Of course, Mr. Holden," the girl on the other end says quickly. She seems nervous to be talking to me. "What would you like?"

Fame has been weird. I get anything I want now, and sometimes I don't like it. Sometimes I want someone to treat me normally. I want someone to tell me no for once.

"Uh, just a breakfast platter," I say. "It doesn't matter what's on it. I'm not picky."

"Absolutely. Give us about ten minutes. We'll leave it outside the door."

I hang up the phone and hang my head into my hands, the pounding headache seeming to never go away. I didn't celebrate or anything last night. I took half a bottle of whiskey straight to the face to try and forget about her. It didn't work. Instead, it only made me feel worse.

My cell phone lights up beside me on the end table. I've got a text from coach telling me what time to be at the stadium, and I have another one from my agent, wishing me luck on tonight's game.

I don't feel like replying to anyone, so I leave it sitting there and decide to take a shower. Just as I'm grabbing a fresh towel though I hear my phone start to ring.

God, can I not get any peace and quiet today?

I'm about to press ignore until I see Ethan's contact flash across the screen. He's probably the only person I feel like talking to right now.

"Hello?" I flop back down onto the king-size bed, staring up at the fancy ceiling fan.

"Hey man. I just wanted to let you know that my family is going to be there tonight."

"Richard and Mary?" I arch a brow. Things got messy between them during the divorce, so I'm surprised they're both coming.

"Uh, not my dad, but my mom and I will be there. And...uh...Maddie. She's coming tonight too."

"Maddie?" I ask in disbelief. I had invited Ethan and his family only to dream of Maddie coming. I thought she hated me. She blocked my number for crying out loud. Not that I blame her after what happened, but seriously?

I wanted to tell her that the engagement between Katie and me was over with. I want to come clean and tell her everything, but I thought I'd never get the chance to. I'll get to tell her that the videos are deleted.

After Katie and I started our fake engagement, Katie didn't get the following she thought she would on social media. Even after I was drafted. After a little over a year, she finally decided to call it quits. She found a famous singer that caught her attention, freeing me of my debt to her. I made sure I watched when she deleted the video of Maddie, not taking any chances of her coming back to hold it over my head any longer.

The night that it happened just a few months ago I tried to reach out to Maddie, but she had changed her number. It was right in the middle of the season, and I couldn't get away to fly to her. I wanted to beg on my knees for forgiveness. I'd do whatever she asked me to.

Now that all of the drama is done and over with though I'll have the opportunity to win Maddie back tonight, and a part of me just can't believe it.

"How did you convince her to come?" I ask. "Because I know she wouldn't just agree to this by herself."

He's silent for a few moments until he finally says, "She's coming. That's all that matters, right?"

I nod even though he can't see me. "Yeah. Thanks. I guess I'll see you later. It's been, what? A year since I've seen you?"

"Because somebody had to get drafted." He laughs, and I find myself smiling. I love that he never changed how he treats me. He'll always be my best friend.

"Or it's because you're so involved with Maya and that new job of yours."

"What would you like me to do? We just bought a house, and on top of everything I'm now having to plan this fucking wedding with her. It's stressful as hell."

"A wedding that I still haven't been asked to be a part of by the way."

"You think you're in it?" He asks jokingly. "Sorry. Only regular people are allowed to be in my party. Not overly entitled famous quarterbacks."

"Fuck you." I laugh, and I find myself feeling a lot better than I did earlier. "I'm not entitled."

"Room service!" A man calls out from the other side of the door, and Ethan erupts into laughter. Perfect timing.

"You're right," he says. "You're definitely not entitled. Enjoy that room service."

"Fuck you," I repeat. "Bye, man. I'll see you later."

A smile is permanently plastered to my face when I open up the door to wheel in the extravagant arrangement of fruit, pancakes, and bacon. It looks delicious.

I eat quickly, unable to keep the excitement for tonight inside. I was dreading this game when I woke up this morning, but Maddie will be there. Maddie will watch me play. It gives me all the energy I need.

Finally, I'll have her in the stands. Finally, I'll get the opportunity to try and get back in her good graces again. The contract between Katie and I is done, the videos are deleted, and now there's nothing standing in our way.

I'm going to see my baby girl tonight.

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