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The relief of stepping back into the warmth of Ranboo's hotel room was overwhelming. London was colder than ever at this time of year, so it was no surprise that you were covered in Goosebumps.

Once inside, Ranboo shrugged off his jacket and threw it onto the couch, you copied the gesture and did the same.

"I think I'm going to have a shower. You already have so just get changed."

"Should I head home? I didn't bring anything to sleep in."

"No! You can stay here... borrow some of my clothes. They'll be massive on you but also comfy and warm."

"Okay perfect. I didn't really want to go home anyway."

"I figured as much."

He walked towards you and enveloped you in a bear hug, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips before heading off towards the bathroom. Your gaze followed him towards the door before he closed it behind him. You then made your way into his room and looked through his suitcase until you found some clothes suitable for sleeping in.

Once changed you flopped down on the bed in front of you and grabbed your phone from the bedside table you had placed it on earlier. You opened Instagram to find a picture of you and Ranboo at dinner earlier that night. A fan must have spotted you there.

When you saw the way he was looking at you in the picture you knew one thing - you had to tell him before you left tomorrow morning. He clearly liked you, a lot, and you knew that he wouldn't run when you told him how you felt.

You just had to grow the balls to do it.

It seemed that would be easier said than done. You knew you couldn't just tell him you love him then leave, you had to tell him. Properly. 

You hated to admit it, but you were one to romanticise. Since you had realised how you felt, you had come up with countless possible scenarios for how this could play out, all of which as unlikely as the last but one could dream.

Whilst you waited for Ranboo to finish his shower you looked at the comments on that photo, smiling at all the love people had for you two. It was weird that you guys had been completely oblivious up until this point, majority of your fans had pointed the obviousness in the situation yet neither of you had taken any notice.

Well either you hadn't noticed or you were both too scared to say anything.

When Ranboo come out of the bathroom, hair still slightly damp, he flopped down on the bed next to you, wrapping his arms around your middle and pulling you closer to him. Some of the excess water from his shower dripped form the ends of his hair down onto your back, causing you to shiver.

"Your hair's cold!" 

"I just had a hot shower!"

"It's getting my back wet."

"What if I do this?"

He pulled his hoodie up over his head and tied the drawstrings together under his chin in a neat bow. All his hair was pulled back but you could see a damp spot forming on the back of the hood.

"That's not going to work, either grab a towel or use the hair dryer in the bathroom."

"Okay fine."

He headed back towards the bathroom, returning with a towel which he used to begin drying the wet mop of hair. After about 15 minutes of the two of you taking turns using the towel to dry his hair, it was dry enough.

Ranboo threw the towel onto the floor next to him and pulled you closer to him, burying his head in the crook of your neck. You reached over to the bedside table, placing your phone there before turning off the lights.

The two of you laid there, content in the silence, when you realised now was as good a time as any. You had to tell him.

"Hey Mark?" 

You pulled back from him slightly, now that your eyes had adjusted to the darkness you could see his face a little better.


He looked back at you, slightly confused.

"Do you know what love feels like?" You asked. You were in too deep to back out now.

"I think so." He replied, a confident look on his face that you hadn't seen many times before.

"What's it like?" Now he had you curious. Had he thought about this before? Had he been thinking about how he felt around you? Or had he felt this way about somebody else before?

"Exactly like this." 

He cut off your thoughts before you could overthink anymore, pressing his lips to yours.

You were madly hopelessly in love with this boy, and it turned out he felt the same.

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