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[ What do you want me to do about it? ]

Aomine had been in a foul mood ever since their game against Seirin. Apparently, his irritation had affected his teammates as well, because Imayoshi had eventually banned him from practice for a week. When you don't go to practice it's a problem and when you do go to practice it's a problem.

Aomine shot the ball toward the hoop with an irritated huff. It hit the rim and bounced off causing the former Teiko ace to let out a string of curses. He'd been off ever since he'd had to watch Miyoshi half-carry Kagami, his mortal enemy, off the court after their game. Aomine gritted his teeth as he marched to fetch the ball. The memory was forever etched into his brain. It was the first thing that popped into his head whenever he let his mind drift.

But what was even worse... He had let his anger go unchecked with Miyoshi again.

Aomine sprinted for the basket and dunked with so much force, it left the hoop rattling.


The sudden noise made Aomine flinch and spin around. To his surprise, the person sneaking up on him wasn't Tetsuya. Aomine glowered at his former teammate who was leaning against a fence. He was holding a teddy bear in his hands as if it was his comfort animal. Another lucky item.

"Shit. Don't do that!" Aomine snapped before he turned his attention back to the hoop. He was settling in for another shot.

Midorima adjusted his glasses and said somewhat dully, "You'll miss."

Like hell, he would.

Aomine closed his eyes and focused. He felt the weight of the ball in his hands, familiar and comforting, before he went through the motions and took his shot. A loud thud echoed on the court as the ball hit the backboard. He'd missed, again.

"I told you so."

The former Teiko ace shot Midorima a murderous glare that should've made him cower and back off. On almost anyone else, it would've worked too but not Midorima.

"What do you want?" Aomine bit out.

The green-haired boy averted his gaze and stayed silent. He'd had the nerve to interrupt his practice only to have nothing to say? He would just watch and sneer?

Aomine's blood boiled, though it wasn't entirely because of Midorima, and he stormed over grabbing him by the collar. "Spit it out," he growled.

"Miyoshi wouldn't have missed." Midorima's lips twitched like he wanted to smirk but his tone was level and unaffected by Aomine's bravado.

The burning hot turned to ice in Aomine's veins. He stilled. Whatever he had expected Midorima to say... it wasn't that. There was a twinge in his heart before a wave of guilt crushed into him. He almost buckled under its weight. His lips pressed into a thin line but he released his hold.

Midorima was quick to straighten his clothes. The glower he returned was nothing short of deadly.

"Why are you here?" Aomine was running out of patience. He didn't have to stand there and take whatever insults Midorima wanted to throw at him. He was very much capable of doing that for himself.

Midorima sighed heavily, pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and met Aomine's gaze head-on. His green eyes were sharp. He was as cold and calculating as ever. 

After a beat of silence, he said, "Something's wrong with Miyoshi."

The impact of his words almost knocked Aomine's feet from under him. "What?" The word came out as more of a gasp than an actual question.

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