it was you [ N.R ]

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Reader G!P

→ warning: smut and mention of killing.


I was standing at the bar drinking, I'm here at one of Tony Stark's party. I'm keeping a close eye to my secret girlfriend, Natasha. We've been together for 6 months and no one knows about us. Not that we don't want to because we know that they'll support us no matter what but sneaking around and keeping quiet is one of hella challenge and cool as fuck.

No one knows about my feelings for her. but, we flirt to eachother a lot so it's not a surprise if they think that we're together now. but, they thought that she's straight so.

The party had started a few hours ago and I notice one of the guys in the party keeps staring at Natasha. I couldn't blame him though, she was indeed much gorgeous tonight. I don't know if Nat notice it because she was always good at hiding. She looks so mouthwatering catching the eyes of many party goers.

"You like her, don't you?" I heard a voice taking my fixed eyes on Natasha.

"What?" I looked at it and found Tony.

"You like Natasha?" He said again.

"You're delusional, Stark." I lied, I mean who wouldn't like Natasha?

he laughs, "by how your not so friendly glances at the guy, I highly doubt that. Let's just see who gets the girl first." he said raising his drink to his lips and take a sip.

"That's not very fair to the poor guy, don't you think that Natasha will be interested in him?" I said as I flashed him a smile.

"Well, you might want to see those." He pointed out, I raised my eyebrows and turned around to see what he's talking about.

It was clear that she was flirting with the guy, her hand resting on his forearm. The man was smiling harder than he had the whole time his here.

Turning back to Tony, I downed my drink and handling the empty glass to him. "Alright," I mumbled before leaving him there. I walked towards where Wanda talking to Carol and Maria, standing with Natasha and the guy.

"Y/N, it was nice of you to finally join us." Carol said as I reach them.

I smiled at her and shrugged, "Tony knows how to keep his guests occupied," the redhead other than Natasha laughs, "Doesn't take a telepath to know what's on your mind y/n."

Carol and Maria then glance at Natasha, the way she would give him a flirtatious smile and flirty comments, she was indeed into something.

"She's really making a show," Maria whispered and I nodded, "If she wants a show, she gets a show." I said softly.

"Let's grab a drink!" Wanda husked out and I shook my head, "No, I'm gonna head to bed." I said getting Natasha's attention.

"So soon?" Carol said as her face twisted in confusion, I weren't really the one who usually head to bed this early.

"I just planned on getting up really early tomorrow, maybe do a morning run." Satisfied with my excuse, we exchange goodnights. As I left the group, I past Natasha giving her hip a little squeeze as I walk away. I know that she would follow once she got a chance, she wouldn't dare to stay after that.

About 10 minutes had passed, there was a knock on my door. I walked over to the door and opened it. My gaze fall into the redhead standing infront of me, she knew what she had done.

A gasp left her mouth as her back slammed against my bedroom door. She tried to keep her expression calm.

My eyes didn't leave her as my hand reached behind her and locked the door.

N. Romanoff / S. Johansson x Fem ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang