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JESSIE LOOKED around the crowded office. She'd never felt so many eyes on her before, or at least, in a long time. As men passed by her desk, their eyes would land upon hers, then travel towards her lips, before settling on her modest cleavage. She'd glare at them, of course, and also pop her lips in annoyance. Some would get the hint within a few seconds, and look away, while others were smug enough to continue.

The women didn't seem to look at her in adoration like the men. The few that did glance her way looked at her with narrowed eyes, as if attempting to analyze her. She'd received those looks ever since she'd hit puberty—when her breasts had bloomed, and her figure began to take form. Girls had always been envious of Jessie's charm and beauty, especially since she was humble about it.

It was only 7:25 in the morning, and everyone had just arrived. Jessie's boss hadn't made it into the office yet. Marilyn Isles usually arrived at 7:30 on the dot, but expected her employees to be there before her.

When Jessie noticed her boss walking towards her desk, her posture immediately straightened, and the bright smile on her lips dimmed. She didn't want to give off a bubbly personality to Marilyn, as for everyone else, her smile was always for the entire room.

"Get me coffee, and bring a notepad with you to my office," Marilyn said, as she took one glance at Jessie, before refocusing her eyes in front of her, and heading straight through her opened office door. When Jessie was hired for the job, Marilyn had given her a book of notes left by the previous assistant. It contained all the information about Marilyn—what she liked and disliked, and everything there was to know. Jessie had studied the notes the previous night, and had learnt that Marilyn liked her coffee black with two packs of sugar. Heading into the lounge, she noticed that the coffee pot was full. My lucky day. Jessie grabbed a plastic coffee cup, and poured the liquid in, before grabbing the packs of sugar from beside the machine. After preparing her most simple, and first task of the day, she headed towards Marilyn's office, not forgetting to grab her notepad and pen on the way, "you took a while. I almost thought you got lost."

Jessie rested the cup onto the desk in front of Marilyn, and furrowed her brows. She knew that she would've taken longer if she had to brew the coffee herself, and thought that she'd been snappy. Apparently, it wasn't enough, "I'm sorry about that."

Marilyn looked at Jessie, as she sat down on the chair in front of her desk, "I just emailed you my schedule. You'll make the necessary adjustments when need be."

Jessie nodded and scribbled a heart onto her notepad, "yes, ma'am. Anything else?"

Marilyn studied Jessie's lack of attention, "answer phone calls just as I've told you to, and don't fuck it up."

Jessie looked up at Marilyn, and wondered the reason why she was actually in her office. They were discussing things that they'd done previously, "you hired me, so I must be somewhat good at what I do, right?" Jessie mentioned.

"Actually, you have no prior experience as a personal assistant."

Jessie clutched her notebook against her chest, "I've worked at my father's practice for a few years."

"That doesn't count in my book."

Jessie felt her nostrils flaring. She'd busted her ass trying to gain her father's appreciation ever since she could remember. Working at his practice was no picnic in the park, and when she'd finally gotten the courage to quit, and stop seeking his approval, things had taken a turn for the better, "I'm good at my job, I assure you that. And I was no princess at my father's practice."

Feisty. A smile tugged on Marilyn's lips, "there are no princesses in this line of work. Why didn't you go on to be a doctor like your father?"

Jessie knew exactly how to answer that question. She never wanted to be like her father, but also had no passion for the medical field, "he's good with a scalpel, and I'm great with a pen. That's all there is to it."

"And by pen, you mean being a personal assistant?"

Not at all, "I guess it's always been my calling. Can I get back to work now, or will you ask me more personal questions?"

Marilyn shook her head, as Jessie got up, "that'll be all for now, Miss Nightingale."

Jessie walked to the door, and exhaled a relieved breath. As she exited the office, she wondered, why did I take this job again?

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