Chapter 7

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I might've been wrong about Bella's affection for Edward, and vice versa. After our conversation at the parking lot I noticed a palpable amount of animosity between the two. Each trying to pretend the other wasn't there, which made biology class a lot more awkward than it needed to be. They hardly looked at each other and Bella occupied her time during class by talking to me.

"A couple of us are going to the beach on Saturday, you should come" she said, far too excitedly for someone who wanted to go to the beach in 40 degree weather. I supposed it might have something to do with the person she shared a lab table with. A petty approach from Bella, but not completely unwarranted, after all if someone had tried to make me think i was crazy after an accident I'd be mad too. I saw Edward spare me an annoyed glance.

"uh I don't think so"

"Aren't you Caribbean? I thought you liked the beach"

"Yeah, real beaches. That are warm and aren't partially frozen over"

She sighed "I agreed to go with Jessica, I don't think I can back out" she whispered, obviously worried Mike might overhear from his spot in front of her. "Please come with me!" Edward let out a breath, as if he was holding in a laugh. Which had both of us turning in his direction. "Is something funny?" A bit confrontational for the situation, but I guess it made sense if she was annoyed with him.

"No, nothing." He didn't spare us a glance, and showed no indication that he'd been amused.

Bella turned her back on him once more, and continued with our conversation. Irritation clear on her features. The rest of class went in much the same manner. Bella tried to ignore Edwards presence completely, keeping her focus on whatever topic of conversation she brought up. And Edward failed at seeming unbothered.

Gym class was no different, except that without Edward over he shoulder, Bella was able to speak freely.

"Why would he lie?" Frustration was clear in her voice as we practiced basketball passes while the rest of the class played a mock game.

"I don't know" and I really didn't, nothing she'd told me made sense. We were both sure he was across the parking lot, and that he pushed Bella out of the way given the fact that she was alive.

"I asked him, and he was so annoyingly vague!"

"What did he say exactly?"

"Just that I should let it go and that I'd be disappointed if I wanted the truth!" she passed me the ball with more force than i was anticipating and bounced to the other side of the court "Sorry"

"It's okay, I'll get it" I kept thinking about the question we were both avoiding. How had he made it across the parking lot? No one saw him run, and Bella didn't even know he was there until he pushed her out of the way. So, one moment he was at his car, and another he was next to Bella?

Class passed quickly after that and soon I was in a car with aAlice and Jasper on my way home. The question kept lingering in my mind, drowning out Alice's story about the plans she had for the dance. Alice didn't seem to notice my silence, happily inverted in her story, Jasper was a different matter. He could always read people like a book.

"Somethin' on your mind darlin'?" His soft voice interrupted Alice's cheerful tone.

"Are you okay? Are you anxious?" Alice had a worried tone, looking at me through the rearview mirror from her spot in the driver's seat.

"No, no, nothing like that. It's just-" I wasn't sure if I should bring it up, after all, not even Bella wanted to address the issue.

"What is it?" The worry was clear in her voice. Should I ask them if they remember where Edward was during the accident? They were right next to him before it happened, so surely they must've seen how he made it to Bella in time. Or at the very least, confirm that he was in fact next to his car.

"Do you remember the accident?" There was a heavy silence the moment after I finished my question. I cleared my throat and continued "I-i mean, do you remember Edward being next to his car?" The silence continued, each of them still as stone in the front seat. Was Bella right? Was there something else going on with Edward?

"Y-yeah, he was at his car for a little bit" Alice started cautiously "But then he went to talk to Bella, i think he wanted to apologize for how he acted on her first day" she smiled at me and Jasper nodded along.

They were lying. Edward was there seconds before the crash.

Edward already apologized to Bella the day before in Biology, why would he do it again? I nodded along, I didn't think they were going to tell me the truth.

"They told me he'd saved her, but I was sure I saw him next to you" I tried to keep my voice steady, trying to sound convincing. "Just wanted to make sure that I hadn't made it up in my head."

They visibly relaxed after that, at least they believed me. I knew both Bella and I were right, he had been across the parking lot. And now I knew that Edward wasn't the only one hiding something, whatever it was it was important enough that all of them knew, and all of them were keeping it secret. I dropped the subject, and the conversation went back to its light tone, Alice stating her plans for us for the dance.

The next day was a lot more entertaining. Though it started out normally, biology yielded the most amusing thing I'd seen since moving here.

Mike had apparently rejected Jessica's invitation to the dance, because he had some sort of aneurysm that made him believe Bella wanted to go with him. It took everything in me to keep my composure in order to make sure he didn't notice I could hear him. I wasn't sure if he was incredibly brave, asking her in public so close to other people, or if this was some sort of manipulation tactic on his part to guilt her into saying yes. It didn't matter though, Bella rejected him swiftly and without mercy. His fault really, a blind man could see she wasn't interested in him from up in a helicopter.

"You shouldn't make Jess wait any longer- It's rude" her voice was flat, leaving no room for discussion.

"Yeah, you're right" he mumbled and turned back to face the teacher. I was almost in tears.

what, she mouthed at me, also trying to keep from laughing. From behind her I could see Edward burning holes in the back of her head. I nodded in his direction, indicating for Bella to look behind her. And she did, and she wasn't happy.

He stared at her, seemingly oblivious to my attention, until the teacher called on him. Asking him something I probably wouldn't have been able to answer. However, after the teacher was satisfied with him and continued, Edwards' attention was back to Bella.

He had better control of his volume than Mike when he did begin talking to Bella, who seemed irritated and looked straight at the teacher. But as the conversation continued, she began to relax, and eventually did look at him. The conversation seemed to fluctuate, if his expressions were anything to go by. I didn't know what they were saying, but whatever it was, Edward seemed to be taking it very seriously.

Maybe I was wrong, and he did in fact have feelings for Bella. Regardless of whatever happened during the accident. Jealousy definitely had a way of making people tell on themselves I guess.  I wasn't sure where Bella's feelings lied though.  

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