MPHFPC- I Love You Muchly

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I was reading quietly in Extention;
The class I have in the middle of the day;
I made an 11 chapters indention:
When my eyes began to drift away;

I woke up off the shore of an Island;
Which looked a bit like Wales;
I crawled up from the watery depths;
My outfit looked like hell;

My skin had cuts and scars;
My clear glasses were shattered;
My eyes had glass inside them;
My dress was torn and battered;

The locals didn't take too kindly;
To a girl as odd as me;
"Like who does she think she is?
A dress with a neckline as high as the highest peak?"

I noticed a house in the distance;
It looked broken and destroyed;
When I walked around inside it;
It looked more like a bomb had been deployed;

Behind me, I heard a British woman's voice;
Whispering amongst herself;
I was told of "Stranger Danger";
So I hid inside a shelf;

Her footsteps continued to follow;
She stopped right at the door;
While the fears I harbored, I swallowed;
She carefully went down to the floor;

She knocked gracefully in an elegant royal way;
I cracked the door a bit;
My brain doesn't want to give her the light of day;
Wow! Fear of people? I must look like a prick!

"Are you alright there, child?"
She asked me in concern;
"I'm fine, just I know healing my scars will take a while"
I responded when my eyes began to burn

She took me through a cave;
claiming it were the entrance to her home;
I entered the Victorian Castle;
And knew there were more visits to come;

We were walking around the grounds;
Drinking Earl Grey;
When I heard the dreadful sound;
The bell, Which ruined my day;

We said our goodbyes;
And everything started to fade away;
"Remember if you need me,"
"'Alma Peregrine' is what to say";
Now I have tea with Miss Peregrine, at 6 pm Today

-Constance Baugh (me)

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