Chapter 21: Second Chances

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*Cupcakes scream in happiness*




Please do me a huge favor and interact with this chapter in every way you can! Will help get my writing out there! ;)

Ace took my hand in front of the decaying willow tree and the world blurred around us. We I landed right in the middle of a hallway and stumbled, bracing ourselves on a wall.

"You couldn't have landed somewhere a little bit, I don't know, less conspicuous?" I asked.

Ace's gave a puzzled look down the hallway. "Something tried to grab me."

"When I manifested us from out there to in here, I felt something...try to latch onto me. So, I immediately dropped, and we landed here."

We looked at each other for a moment, and I wondered if he was also thinking of those Forsaken. The terrifying mirrored creatures that Caito used to his command.

"I won't be manifesting like that in the Unknown again," Ace vowed.


He turned toward me, raking back the white strands of his hair off his forehead. "Can you walk? We should get you cleaned up before someone notices your...condition."

I didn't have to check myself to know that my whole back and even some of my front was saturated in my own blood. It was still cold against my skin from being outside and making material of my upper gown constrict against my body in an uncomfortable manner. The faster I got out of this thing, the better.

"Let's go to my room," I said. "I think I should be able to find it."

Ace handed me a jacket to wrap around my upper body, and I thought about how Kalace had done the same thing in the dining hall after my gown had been torn down the bodice. Some things never change.

We hurried down the hallway.

"Do you think everyone I've met in this memory will remember me?" I asked. The logistics of this world were still something I had to wrap my head around.

"If the stream of conscious hasn't been disturbed, I would think so. Everything should line up almost exactly where you left it when you..."

Another beat of awkwardness hung between us, and I felt a cold feeling in my stomach remembering it all. It didn't feel possible that I'd died and come back to life.

"You're going to have to tell me how it happened eventually," Ace added. "I need to know the truth, or else I won't be much help here."

"I will, I just...need to figure out some things out for myself first," I said. "And you need to figure out how to disguise yourself. What if someone found us out right now?"

Noises came up the other end of the hallway. Startled, Ace and I both had the idea to hide and scrambled which direction to go. When I went to grab Ace's hand to pull him with me, it was the hand with the dirty hanky, and I freaked out and pushed him away. We ended up running in different directions, Ace hiding behind one pillar and me hiding behind another across his way with my snotty hand.

What a team we are.

"Petruchio, please, I made a huge mistake!" The feminine voice belonged to Cordelia, Romeo's ex-lover. I peered out from behind my pillar, to see her chasing after Romeo's quickened strides.

Death is My Frenemy Rewritten (Book 3 of the Rewritten Death Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now