Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon pt3

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(A/N: and we have a winner. Introducing, Saviour!!!! The picture is up top)

The Boneknapper charges towards us. Everyone stands up, so I follow. I hear the sound of a dragon getting ready to fire, before I'm suddenly pulled against a familiar toned torso of my girlfriend. Just then, the ribcage is engulfed in flame as the Boneknapper attempts to incinerate us.

"Find a happy place, find a happy place." I hear Snotlout pray.

When the torrent of fire ceases, the Boneknapper starts attacking the cage, which is surprisingly holding up.

I hold an arrow to the string of my bow. I don't want to hurt the dragon, but if it comes down to it or one of us, I have to protect us.

"No, no, please! Please!" Fishlegs begs. "He wants my head! I swear he wants my head! Oh!"

"Bring it on!" Gobber shouts at the Boneknapper. "You wait till I get out there—"

"Wait." Hiccup says. "It searches for the perfect bone to build its coat of armour."

"What are you getting at?" I ask my brother.

"The treasure!" Hiccup explains. "Gobber, take off your pants."

"Huh?" Gobber says, stopping his trash talking.

"No!" Everyone else yells.

"Wait, listen to me." Hiccup says. "I think Fishlegs was right. The Boneknapper is supposed to have a roar. But maybe he can't because the bike he needs is your belt buckle."

The dragon grabs one of the ribs and tears it off the ribcage.

"Gobber, please, you have to give it back." I say.

"No way. It's mine!" Gobber says that, just as I feel the dragon's head push me to the ground as it grabs Gobber by his peg leg. "Uh-oh."

The Boneknapper moves its head back and pulls Gobber free of the cage. It starts shaking him around. Gobber yells as he is flailing about.

"Give him back his bone!" Hiccup shouts.


"Give him back his bone!" Hiccup shouts again.

"No!" Gobber yells back. "Noooooo.... All right."

I hear a faint clicking noise before Gobber lands in a pile of bones. The Boneknapper let's loose a powerful roar. I slam my hands over my ears, which offers little protection from the sound.

When it stops, I hear the dragon growling.

"Gobber!" Hiccup says, worry evident in his voice.

"All right, you've got me. Make it fast." Gobber says.

However, instead of tearing Gobber to pieces, the one covered dragon purrs. There's the sound of clothes falling as, without the belt buckle, Gobber's pants fall down.

The rest of us all groan.

"That's gonna give me nightmares." Hiccup says.

"I'm happy I'm blind." I say.

Fishlegs heaves like he's about to throw up.

"We'll, at least we have a ride home." Astrid says.

"I mean, I did send Saviour to go get the rest of our dragons." I say.

Gobber laughs as he pets the large dragon. "Aren't you cute? Yes, you are! Yes, you are."

(Time Skip)

As we fly back to Berk on the Boneknapper, we all cheer as the dragon roars, celebrating the return of its bone. Don't ask me how the bone has any affect on the dragons voice, because I don't know.

"You know, I never doubted him. I was always like, 'He's right.' " Snotlout says.

"This tailbone is hurting my tailbone." Tuff complains.

The Boneknapper roars again happily.

"He sure seems happy to have that bone back." Hiccup says.

"Well, legend says the Boneknapper's roar is its mating call." Fishlegs says.

"Oh gods, are we gonna have to make a pit stop so the Boneknapper can mate?" I ask Astrid.

"Only you would ask those questions. Only you." Astrid says with an audible grin on her face.

"Oh, that's just a myth!" Gobber says. Just then, we hear a roar behind us. "Uh-oh." There's another roar from behind us as four more Boneknappers fly behind us. "I think Stoick will believe me now, eh?"

We laugh happily, picturing Dad's shocked face.

"Oh!" Astrid says. "There are our dragons."

"I was wonder where Saviour went. I was beginning to wonder if he went off to catch a lunch." I say.

The yellow Terrible Terror roars and dives down, landing on my head. He chirps and crawls down to my shoulders, ready to rest his tired wings. And with that, I jump off the Boneknapper, before landing on Vision's back.

"You guys coming?" I ask the rest, before zooming ahead, heading back to Berk leading the pack of Boneknappers.

(A/N: and there we have it. Next up is Dawn of the Dragon Racers. Stay healthy and safe!!!! Until next time, bye!!!!!)

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