Chapter one ~ where do we start?

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Sapnap and George were mining, simple behind the scenes on the dream smp, the were on the nether trying to find netherite for purposes later used in lore
Ranboo, tubbo and Tommy were just messing around, play fighting with wooden swords, just go practice pvp and why the hell not?
Sam was roaming around the prison, he wasn't streaming, no one was, he just didn't have anything to do.
A portal opened.
Dream: hey guys.. is there a mod or something for random portals that I wasn't informed of?
Ranboo: not one that I know of, what's going on?
Dream: a pink one just appeared infront of me
Dream was kicked from the server
TommyInnit: what the hell?

George and sapnap looked at each other, was the owner just kicked from the server?
What the hell was going on?
They quickly made their way back to the nether portal and went back to the overworld.
"Tommy! Hey do you know what's going on?"
"No, none of us do.."
Wilbur and niki made their way to where the rest were
"What was that? Did Dream kick himself?" Niki asked
"We don't know, it could have glitched.. like the   'Flying is not permitted on this server' or whatever kick, but he mentioned random portals" Sapnap mentioned to everyone, trying to ease up the group
"Do we know where he was? We might be able to find what he was talking about, it could have been a glitched nether portal?" George offered
"Glitched textures turn that purple and back pattern, he said pink didn't he? That doesn't sound like normal Minecraft" ranboo said, he had been quite silent throughout this
"Yeah.. what about Phil? He's a Minecraft veteran he should know if we don't" Tommy offered
"Yeah, I mean it's worth a shot" George said.

Dream was falling. High. He could barely see any group beneath him. When anything came into view, he was falling into the ocean, it was rocky, but if he aimed it he would be perfectly fine, in theory.
He fell close to shore, but far enough that it seemed like one hell of a job to swim all the over there, so he just stayed in the ocean, he was used to this, manhunts, dream smp, water travel on boats or swimming simply by yourself was normal, especially with armor, so he was used to it
But someone saw him, he couldn't exactly see on land, so he thought no one saw him practically fall to what could have been his death

Deku uraraka and jiro had tried to find supposed missing kid, it turned out to just be a test, the kids ran off, then jiro saw something fall from the corner of her eye
"Guys.. what's that." Jiro said to the other two
"What do you mean..?" Uraraka asked, confused
"That." Jiro pointed to the fall object
Deku squinted his eyes to try to get a better look at the object
"Is that... a human.." he said in disbelief
"Quick! It's another person!" Deku said, quickly making his way down to the beach
The other two followed him

Dream was perfectly fine, just chilling in the ocean, though it was surprisingly cold, he didn't expect that from a beach
He saw a few people making their way down to him
"Well shit" he said to himself, he basically intruded into their server, now he'll be interrogated
Then something appeared in his vision, it was like chat but wasn't? It was weird
Your on a different universe, this universe has superpowers named quirks, they have heroes villains and civilians, you need a hero license to use your quirk in public

The text read
well, maybe not in a server, but definitely in a weird place. Heroes and villains.. , it was close to their world but no one was limited to what they could do, and who's gonna listen to a law to not use a fucking super power? Everyone's gonna slip up every once and awhile
Were  the people rushing down to him heroes? Or just normal people worried about a guy falling from the sky simply not moving to dry land? They looked around Tubbos and Tommy's age, a little younger maybe?
He simply layed his head back in the water and closed his eyes, he just wanted to relax for a bit

They made their way down to the beach
"how are we going to get to him, he doesn't look responsive" Jiro asked
"I can go out a try to carry him up to shore, he looked passed out." Deku said, he was worried now, when would he sink? How long can he stay float?
"Be safe, we'll be here for backup" uraraka nodded towards him
He made his way out, he was so close to him
A wave came, it knocked him under water, along with the other person, the person was awake now, he was dressed in a like green hoodie, black baggy pants, and a leather belt and strap around his torso, it was s weird outfit for a beach
Deku motioned for the man go swim to him, which he did, they both surfaced, Deku noticed the man had a mask, he had taken it off in thd water but was readjusting it.
Deku helped the man up to shore, he was taller than he expected, as soon as he got to shore he started coughing, everyone had ran to his aid
"No no I'm fine I'm fine" he said, putting his hands up
"Well.. let's get you back to the headquarters, we can get you new clothes and everything, that sound alright?"
"Yeah, that sounds perfectly fine" Dream nodded with a smile, no one could see ofcourse, because of his mask, he was questioning why they weren't questioning him about it
They had made their way to the headquarters of the heroes, it was a simple small shack, inside had a bunch of PCs, it looked like a gaming room to him
Everyone looked at them, at first he was weirded out, then realized that he was soaking wet, and so was the supposed hero that saved him
"We need dry clothing for him, and I'd suggest an interrogation, I'll explain." The green haired person said, the one that saved him, Or what they thought, he saved himself, he could have done it at anytime, but they just showed up
Some girl that seemed very exposed to look that young made him a soft T-shirt and some sweatpants, he changed in the bathroom of the building
"Follow us, we need you for a bit" a blonde one said, he reminded him of Tommy, he had that raspy voice but looked a lot more serious than Tommy
He was brought into a room, no windows, a table and a few chairs, an interrogation room.
Now comes the fun part to mess with a few teenagers. Now where would he start.

1167 words :)
I wrote this right before school—
Please interact with this— I'll update this after school—

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