Chapter 4 ~ fillers ;-;

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Sapnap was able to climb onto a rock, he noticed Tommy had fallen into the ocean slightly after he had
"TOMMY" Sapnap yelled out
"SAPNAP" Tommy responded
Sapnap sighed in relief, Tommy was fine. Phil would kill him if Tommy died on another server under his supervision.. technically not his supervision but he was still there.
Tommy was able to make it over to sapnap and got onto the rocks with him
"What do we do now?" Tommy asked ringing out his shirt and shaking his head
"Dude stop! Your getting me wet!" Sapnap joked
"Your already wet!" Tommy yelled back
"Your not making if any better tommy!" Sapnap laughed
They were both laughing now
Sapnap took his bandana off and ringed if our, along with his shirt and sleeves
"Hey sapnap I have a boat" tommy spoke
"Great let's go" Sapnap said, lightly punching Tommy's arm in the process

Bakugou and quackity were glaring daggers at each other. First day together and they already have a rivalry
"Can you guys not. For like 2 seconds?" Kirishima asked
Bakugou grunted and quackity turned away
"Quackity. Be nice." Wilbur demanded
"Fuck you old man I don't have to listen to you. Fuck you." Quackity responded rolling his eyes
"Aye! I'm not that old! We're like 4 years apart dumbass!" Wilbur yelled
"Who the hell are you calling a dumbass, asshole!" Quackity bickered back
"Prick!" Wilbur yelled, turning on his heel and continuing to the beach.
"Hey! Come back here I'm not done!" Quackity started chasing after Wilbur, only to be stopped by Dream
They heard a scream in the distance, kirishima and bakugou were immediately on guard
"Jesus it's only 5 am" Quackity groaned
"Stop sulking and get ready to fight you dragged us here." Bakugou responded to him
"Technically you chose to come with us.." Quackity smirked
"You son of a bitch." Bakugou gritted his teeth
"NO NO NO GET OFF OF ME YOUR WET" they heard Wilbur yelling from the distance
A new voice.
Kirishima and Bakugou rushed to where the voices were coming from
The walked up onto a blonde, almost as tall as Wilbur, hugging him, clinging on to him, he was infact, soaking wet
Wilbur was trying to push him off, while pulling himself away
There was another guy there, he was shorter, black hair, white shirt with a flame on it, and a bandana around his head.
They heard the footsteps of the other too coming up behind them
"DREAM" the guy with the flame shouted
"SAPNAP" Dream shouted back
They hugged, the seemed so happy to see each other
While Wilbur on the other hand was worried about his coat getting ruined, not like he didn't fall into the ocean himself.

Dream and sapnap were laughing together all the way back to the building
While Tommy was acting like a toddler that just got it go to the park for the first time in a while
He was so hyper.

They got back to the building, a lot of the other students were already awake, they weren't that surprised to see a new face, they were suprised go see 3 new faces though.
Momo made them more comfortable clothing, and got Wilbur a new leather jacket, exactly like his old one, seeing how that one was already ruining
"Ayee now all the scratches on gone! Nice" Wilbur smiled while looking in the mirror, twisting and turning himself
Dream got his hoodie back on, he left his belt and harness in his inventory
Quackity still hasn't taken his jacket off to reveal his wings, nor moved his hair to show the massive scar on his face. Tommy however let his scars show, he took pride in them, he thought they showed how strong he was
Which they did, but it got the students more worried over him the gushing over how strong he his, he's not hero in training, where the hell did the scars come from?
Everyone was out on patrol they were told to stay inside to avoid any conflict that may happen, the island was usually pretty calm, so they had no idea why they suggested that.
"Do they even know our history, did you tell them?" Tommy asked the group
"I didn't tell them when they interrogated me, all I did was tell them my quirk and place of birth I guess" Dream answered
"They haven't even talked to me yet" Wilbur started " speaking of quirks what are your quirks?"
"Typical fire quirk. I almost set the kitchen on fire last night.. didn't realize I could do that" Sapnap looked away as he responded
Tommy just simply took his shirt off and showed small parrot wings
Quackity started bursting out laughing
"Your so small compared to me Tommy!" He paused, and stared at everyone else "I- I mean... never mind."
Everyone was now laughing at him
"In all honestly I can shrink mine too, that's how I hide mine, you'll figure out eventually" Quackity rolled his eyes
"Oh I've figured it out, my wings are beautiful!"
Tommy let his wings out, he shook them off a little, he had parrot wings, they were bigger than quackitys, and a lot more colorful
Quackity just rolled his eyes he convinced himself not to be jealous of it, he'd always have his wings no matter what. Tommy would have to ruin his shirts to have those wings anyways. Quackity had his shirts refitted just to fit his wings, extra arm holes basically.
"Back onto the topic of of they know if we have combat skills, or quirk training or whatever the Fuck, did you guys say anything on the matter?" Wilbur asked
"I didn't say anything, Tommy and sapnap literally just got here, and quackity?" Everyone looked over to him
"They don't even know I can fly the only fight I got into was the verbal one with the explosion kid" Quackity rolled his eyes just mentioning the fucker.
"What do we want to do now?" Tommy asked, they had been sprawled out on the roof for a while
Some of the kids were back, they were managing the computers and taking hero calls
"Is their a tv? We could play games on a pc of theirs" Dream offered laying on his back throwing a stone up and catching it repeating
"That's gonna fall on your face and crack your mask." Quackity said, just staring, like he was trying to manifest it happening
"I'll be fine" Dream scoffed at him
The sun was starting to set
It was a pretty sunset
"We could stargaze in a bit, get food ready and stay up here all night, craft some beds" Wilbur offered
"Wil! That's a great idea!" Tommy jumped up
"Who's gonna get food with me?"
"I'll go, I'm low on hunger anyways" Sapnap said, getting up and walking down stairs with Tommy
"I'll craft beds... I need wood.. and wool." Dream started
"Do you have some on you?" Quackity asked
"Nope.. I mean I have wood, no wool" Dream rubbed the back of his neck
"Aren't their farmers on the island, couldn't we go to them for wool?" Wilbur offered
"Yeah, but we're not supposed to leave" Quackity said
"Listen. Their a bunch of sixteen and seventeen year olds, we're in our twenties. Why do we have to listen to them?" Wilbur smiled his grin he's known for
Quackity just laughed with him
"Alright dream were off!" Wilbur waved
"Get some milk too, I wanna brew some potions" Dream yelled
"Alright alright" Wilbur waves him off

"Alright. How do we sneak past.. them." Tommy asked, pointing them out
"We don't have any of that"
"Damn.. just go. Quietly"
"Would that work?"
"Sure it would" sapnap answered in a not so sure voice.
Apparently it did. The front door and kitchen were very close to each other, no one payed any mind to them

"What do we want.. steak, cookies.. carrots?" Tommy was brainstorming while sapnap was trying to grab everything Tommy was saying
"I have a lot of raw food, we can cook that, you have cobble right??" Sapnap asked
"Yeah of course I do, I'm tommyinnit" Tommy stated
"I think we have enough, my inventories full" Sapnap said, trying to keep quiet
"Hey, you guys alright?" Someone said
It was midoriya, he was one of the sweetest students here
"Yeah we're fine, just scavenging for food" Sapnap said
"Alright then, I'm out on patrol" he smiled at both of them
They both sighed a sigh of relief before heading back to the rooftop.

Dream had crafted a crafting bench, and a brewing stand, still no beds, Wilbur and quackity wasn't back

Wilbur and quackity ran into midoriya on patrol
"What are you guys doing out, we told you to stay inside?
"Wool." The both answered in unison
Midoriya was definitely weirded out, but he kept himself together
"Okay then... do I need to lead you back to the HQ?" He asked
"Nah we're fine, continue on your pa—
Ph1lza joined the game
"Patrol" Quackity finished
"You alright?" Midoriya asked
"Yep never been better!" Quackity grabbed Wilbur and ran back to the building

Phil had his wings back. He could fly
He noticed it was dark, and he wasn't on the smp anymore, a weird pink portal appeared and took him here... above the ocean
Dream: phil?
Ph1lza: oh hey dream
Wilbursoot: dadza.
Dream: xxx ** xxx just go to the coords
Ph1lza: copy that

Phil was on the roof with them, they had their beds, their food, the stars were out, it was the perfect night
They even had s'mores
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Quackity groaned
"Time for another rescue mission" Sapnap said in a sarcastically joyful tone
"Another?" Phil questioned
"Yep" Dream answered, popping the P
"I say two can go, I wanna go to bed." Wilbur groaned
"Me and quackity can go" Sapnap said
"What!? Why me?" Quackity yelled
"Let's go quackity" Sapnap said dragging him away
"Let me go you dumbass I'm not going anywhere!" Quackity yelled trying to fight back, it was no use, as to quackity and sapnap were making their way towards the beach

"Alright! So three more people.. I say we shove them in a cave and they stay there." Quackity was already pissed he couldn't just go to bed, he's had enough adventures as it is
"No quackity. We take them home" Sapnap said, he wasn't all to happy about this either, he just wanted to get it done and over without arguments sprawled in between
"I mean.. the kids are gonna think we're hanging up on the slowly if 3 more people are randomly at their little hotel inn!" Quackity semi-whispered
"Good point.. they'll survive in a cave... surely" Sapnap said shrugging it off

Everyone was on the beach, they were soaking but still on land Atleast
"Hey guys!" Quackity said running up to the bunch
"Quackity? Is this where the portal kept taking everyone?" Sam asked, he was pretty confused, but Atleast knew something
"Apparently, we all show up in bunches, liek you three" Sapnap said appearing behind quackity
"You guys can stay in the cave over there, the house is already packed"
"You guys built a house already? I mean I'm not surprising" George asked
"No, we're in another universe, with a bunch of teenagers"
"Well then.. that'll be fun" punz said
"Yeah, apparently they have quirks and shit, and villains, their Heroes in training" quackity was hyper now, for reasons unknown
"Lame." George roles his eyes with a slight laugh
"Go in your damn cave George" Sapnap said, in a jokingly harsh tone
"I could build an underground shelter, I'll need iron and red stone though" Sam mentioned
"Good idea Sam! We can all hideout there when it's finished, there's a field somewhere over the hill I think, and then you have the cave for some ores!" Quackity said
"Alright we're heading back then, night" Sapnap waved at them before grabbing quackitys sleeve and starting the walk up the hill
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Quackity covered his face and groaned
"Can you guys get them?" Sapnap yelled towards the group
"Also tell us all your quirks in chat! Well give you some time to figure it out" Sapnap turned around and left, he was tired, he deal with this tomorrow.

2084 words
I'll probably have an update out in a minute or so

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