chapter 17 - Everlyn

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We moved back to Forks a few days ago after not being here for over 50 years. and today is the first day of us attending high school here. I didn't agree at first, thought it was ridiculous that we have to go to high school. but Carlisle made some very good points and at the end of the day he's the head of the family. so he gets the final say which means, what he says goes. doesn't mean I have to like it.

We're on our way there now. Carlisle said there's supposed to be someone waiting for us to give us a tour, 'like we need one.' I thought annoyd.

I'm in Edward's car with him and Alice, we're sitting in the back, Alice is holding my hand trying to make her emotions calm to keep me calm, controlling my thirst is literally 4 times harder for me than it is for my mates considering I can feel all of their thirst along with mine.

Rosalie is also not really happy about having to go to high school .to put it lightly. so we figured it would be better if Alice and I ride with Edward so I can have a more calm environment.

there's a comfortable silence in the car, unfortunately me and my mates have come to terms with the fact that Edward doesn't want to be with us. even though he's our mate he still has reservations about being with a man and having a relationship with more than one person and the four of us suffer for it. we know there are supposed to be seven of us which means we haven't found two of our mates and it hurts to know that the one that we have found or more accurately found us, doesn't want to be with us.

but we respect his decision. I can tell that he loves us by his emotions. but at the same time they're so conflicted sometimes, I don't know what to think. we want to comfort and love him but we can't and it is hurting all five of us.

We all dread and look forward to the day we will meet our other mates.

thinking that they might have to choose between us and Edward, on the one hand we hate seeing Edward along but on other hand we wish for him to have someone, preferably us.

but on the other hand we don't want anyone to go near our mate. the major wants to come out and rip someone's head off just thinking about it. but I got him under control.

We got to the school and got out of our cars I can tell my mates are focused on me making me feel a little better before we heard someone say "hello, you must be the other new students, I'm Mike your tour guide." we all looked over at him not really seeing him but the person beside him 'she's beautiful.' I thought, I could tell my mates were all feeling the same sudden wave of fondness towards her, she looked up and locked eyes with all of us before Looking Down.

she's our mate.

'but how is it possible that Alice didn't see her coming?' I asked myself, I could tell Alice was thinking the same thing from the confusion she was feeling.

To be honest I don't care why Alice didn't see her I'm just happy she's here now, she's so cute.

'cute?.... we're going to destroy her.' the major said thinking twisted perverted things.

'shut up.' I replied.

We all walked forward towards her, letting Edward take the lead as he introduced all of us. I could see her glancing at me every few second, I could feel her feelings concerned. I guess I wasn't hiding the pain that well, it made me smile a little knowing that she doesn't even know us yet, and she's already concerned for me.

"well like I said I'm Mike, I'll be your tour guide and this is..." the tour guide guy said before turning to our mate, she looked at him confused. 'cute.' I thought. "this is where you introduce yourself." he said looking smug, he's enjoying her embarrassment.

That made us all angry. immediately hating the guy. she's obviously new here as well and he is taking pleasure in embarrassing her on her first day in front of a bunch of people, asshole.

But as a result we see our mate blush in the most adorable way fumbling with her fingers, she looks so precious. "I'm Everlyn. I'm also new here. you can call me Eva if you want." She said, not looking up feeling embarrassed.

Everlyn.... I let it roll around in my head for a while. Everlyn, it fits her so well.

As happy as I was I couldn't help thinking about Edward, and what she means for the five of us.

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