Editing Notice

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Hello everyone!

If you've read some or all of this story already, welcome back! If this is your first time looking at this story, then thank you for your interest, and I hope you enjoy!

I wrote this short story during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, when I had almost nothing to keep myself busy. I feel that it was very rushed and my writing wasn't the best it could have been. I recently logged back into Wattpad after a year or two of not even thinking about it, and realized that Aquaertus has about 3k reads now!

First of all, WOW! I did not think this project that I picked up out of pure boredom would get any reads, let alone 3k! Thank you all so much!

Since this story is actually being seen by people, I've decided to take the time to go back and edit it. My writing has improved substantially since I wrote this, and I would like for this to be a piece that I would be proud to show off.

I won't take any of the story down, but I will be removing indications that it is complete. If a chapter has "🌊" on either side, that will mean I have finished editing for that chapter.

For those of you who have not read Aquaertus yet, I'd suggest being patient for my editing to complete, as the story will hopefully be much better. If you have already read part or all of Aquaertus, I would love for you to reread the edited version once it's all done!

Finally, I want to say that I really appreciate all of your support and patience, and I hope to see you again soon!

AquaertusΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα