The Meet Up

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It was a rainy day on January 18th, 2031 at 7:34 PM. The residents of Milltown were quiet, and there was minimal traffic on the road.

Jacob finally arrived at Troy's house after a 4-hour-long drive from his home.

"Finally, I'm here, and right after my birthday too," Jacob said.

"What took you so long?" Troy asked.

"I had to start driving at rush hour," Jacob stated.

"So what do you want to do?" said Troy.

"I don't know, I was just thinking that I could see your house and play a few video games.", said Jacob.

"Welcome to my house", Troy said, opening the front door to his house.

"Wow, this is a nice house!" Jacob exclaimed.

"You even have a retro Nintendo Switch?" he asked, excitedly.

"Yep, even have it hacked. It's original, and it does everything that the latest model does," Troy stated.

"Mind if I stay at your place for a while? I forgot to book a stay at a hotel, and I'm short on cash," said Jacob.

"Sure, I made an extra copy of the house key for when friends come over, or when I go on vacation. It's useful to have for friends," said Troy.

"Sweet!," Jacob said.

They both started playing some games on the Switch. They were playing Super Smash Bros, which was weird because it had Troy as a playable character.

Soon it was dinner time.

"So, Troy. What are we going to have for dinner?" Jacob asked.

Troy began to look around in his cubbard for meal ingredients.

"We could have spaghetti, does that sound good to you?" asked Troy.

"Yeah, that's more than okay for me," said Jacob.

Only one thing popped up in Troy's mind when they were eating. The college deadline is in 3 days.

"Oh no, I have to meet my college deadline within 3 days," exclaimed Troy.

"Which college did you pick?" asked Jacob.

"Turns out, that college I was going to pick in California is too damn expensive, plus it's too far from a drive from here," said Troy.

"That's a shame. But I must ask again. Which college are you going to?" asked Jacob.

"I've decided that I want to go to MIT" said Troy.

"But doesn't that require crazy education to get in?" asked Jacob.

"Trust me, It'll be a breeze." said Troy.

Nighttime settled in as the conversation ended, and the two went to bed.

To be continued.

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