age of extinction chapter 2 breaking and entering

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We now see everyone waking up and getting ready to head out to get some supplies and what not to survive on and izuku then sees a text from his wives saying that they're okay along with a few others and izuku looks down and sees some of the new cybertronian human hybrids that him and his friends and met yesterday and izuku then hears rolland tell him this

"Hey izuku you want to come to the store with us to get some stuff?"

Izuku then says this to the dark skinned cybertronian human hybrid

"Sure it beats sitting here and not doing shit"

And izuku along with rolland,renee,and daichi along with max heads to some places to get some stuff and daichi opens up a groundbridge and then the gang steps in and then steps out of the back of an alleyway behind a building and each of them then walks to the store and renee then ask daichi this question

Renee:so daichi how did you and izuku along with koichi met

Daichi while smiling tells the young 18 year old this

"I met him when we're in pre-k together and let's just say he was getting bullied and I was the one protecting him but also I was one of the ones that taught him how to fight me and my parents taught him and I how to fight and let's just says the people who were bullying him both verbally and physically was pretty much getting bullied right back by me and when I moved away let's just say the bond me and him have pretty much says it all and then I met koichi when we were in 4th grade together the dude was sometimes quiet but he still was pretty good though and also made jokes that got me spewing milk through my nose whatever we were sparring let's just say we were both equally matched he's also one of the ones that helped me move into my apartment along with my girlfriend and I was always one of ones that took up for him as well he also took up for me and izuku,koichi and I became homies even after u.a was getting fixed and also I had a talk with his tormentors the ones that forced 3 of his wives to bully him as little kids and then teenagers when I wasn't there to help and by talk I mean kick both of their asses I sent both of them to the ICU with broken bones,a black eye and also a tongue lashing so that's how I met izuku and koichi"

Renee eyes widened a little bit and now we see izuku with a black zip up hoodie with purple stripes going down on it and izuku pulls out his phone and text the girls and kids back and awaits for a response from them and after shopping for everyone and cybertronian human hybrids gets out of the store and heads to an alleyway to open up a groundbridge and head back to the abandoned building that they're staying in for the time being and Tatiana then ask the gang this

"So what'd you guys get?"

Izuku shrugs his shoulders and says

"Pretty stuff for everyone where's jamie?"

Ronnie sharpening her knives says to our purple haired protagonist

"In Chicago spying"

And everyone sees a groundbridge open up and see Jamie coming out from it and then he says

"Sorry for being late just getting some info of the people we're going break into"

Jamie pulls out his phone and shows them the place they're going to break into

Jamie pulls out his phone and shows them the place they're going to break into

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