Unpacking and Preparing for school tomorrow

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(I forgot this existed last year- sorry about it)

The airplane arrived after two hours, everyone brought their bags with them and went out of the airplane as one of the person from the school which they aren't a student nor a teacher but they're here for giving the students the tour of the new area.

Even though it takes long for place to place, after an hour they lead them to the school for them to unpack their stuff they brought with.

Transparent Sphere: Remember that you have to be on time in class. You can explore the city but be reminded about the schedule or you'll be marked as absent. Come back to school before 10 pm or detention, don't care if you need beauty sleep. Is that clear?

Some responded, some didn't, and some conplained which the sphere doesn't give a crap about it.

They all went inside to look around the school to get familiar with the places since each of them gets the location of the ground floor, first floor, second floor, and third floor that is locked away for some reasons which some doesn't question it even if others tried to question but got cutted off for no reason.

Officer: Is there any questions?

They did respond by saying none and some tried to question it but doesn't get the answer since no negative energy on the arrival.

Then they went to their dorms to unpack their stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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