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it was around ten now and i've been awake for about an hour responding to emails and scrolling on instagram. i decided it was time for stephanie to wake up too because she'd probably yell at me if i didn't wake her up and instead let her sleep in until later.

before walking into her room i walk to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and a packet of liquid IV, she probably had a wild night saying she wasn't home when i got home and it was already one in the morning.

i texted her and told her to not stay out too late but she said she'd be home soon. i knocked out before she came home so god knows what time she even got home.

after stirring the powder with a spoon i walked into her room and set the glass on her nightstand and got in bed with her, pulling the white comforter over me. i grabbed the remote from the other nightstand and turned the tv on, and chose a random channel that was airing the harry potter movies.

"earth to stephanie, hello. it's time to get up now." i whispered, not seconds after she woke up all groggy.

"what time is it?" she groaned before grabbing her temple.

"it's ten and i brought you a glass of liquid IV to cure your hangover, it's on your nightstand next to you."

she sat up and drank the whole glass quickly before getting up and walking into her bathroom, and did her morning routine. her usual face wash, hair brush, teeth brush, and her business of course.

she came back and jumped in bed and scooted closer to me, "so tell me how was your night?" she probed.

"i'll tell you and then you have to tell me about yours," i answer.


"the hockey game went well, jack scored twice and had an assist too. they won by three, four to one. i ended up sitting next to brian's wife, the sweetest human being ever. she talked to me the whole time, talked to me about all the guys on the team. after she took me with her to the players parking lot and i met up with jack there."

"and remind me who brian's wife is or who the hell brian even is?" steph asked.

"a devils player and his wife who asked me who i was there for, i told you over text. you probably forgot, but anyways after that i met jack's roommate, ty. funniest human being alive, jack asked if i wanted to go to dinner with him and ty and i said yes because you obviously weren't home and i didn't want to be home alone for a while."

"understandable." she chimes in.

"so jack drove with me and ty drove jacks car."

"hold up, you drove to jersey?" stephanie asked.

"i thought i told you i took my car."

"you didn't but go on."

"yeah, i'm not about to pay three hundred dollars for a damn uber when i have a car here. but we went to this restaurant in jersey named marcus b&p. and we spent the night just getting to all know each other and it was the best."

"jack has two brothers, he's the middle child. they both play hockey and ty is canadian and grew up in canada, and so did jack for a bit." i continued.

"wow seems like your a full fledged hockey girlfriend." she teased.

"get out. you know i've purposely avoided hockey as a whole because of carter."

"yeah i just remembered how this was your first time watching hockey since you were fifteen. did you tell jack about him?" steph asked.

"no, there's no need unless things get serious. if they even get serious but that will come with time, now tell me what happened to my best friend and why is she so hungover?" i laughed.



stephaniehayes thank you @diorbeauty for last night 💗7,285,927 likes | 829,287 comments

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stephaniehayes thank you @diorbeauty for last night 💗
7,285,927 likes | 829,287 comments

brookeadler HELLO? BODY WTF
stephaniehayes SAYS YOU
brookeadler on second thought you can keep my dress it looks better on you anyways
stephaniehayes i don't want to be an ass but i told youu
brookeadler 🖕🏼🖕🏼
stephaniehayes 🥰🥰
user1 the chaoticness i-
user2 this sums their friendship up


user4 built like a stick
user5 and where did she ask?

user6 stephanie is just casually living my dream life
user7 glad i'm not the only one who thinks that


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