She's back!

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MATTHEW- hey darling

u looked behind u and saw ur dad standing at ur door step

Y/N- oh hey dad (u smiled)

MATTHEW- i just wanna tell u a good news (he smiles)

Y/N- what is it?

MATTHEW- we're gonna be going back to outer banks

Y/N- wait... like... going back going back?

MATTHEW- yes we're going to live in outer banks again

Y/N- oh- my god (u said with excitement)

Y/N- way! (u said with excitement)

ur dad smiles at u

Y/N- wait... how.. what about the cohen company here in colorado?

MATTHEW- oh i got a CEO for it... your uncle

Y/N- wow uncle must be lucky

MATTHEW- yes... anyways yea we are going back to outer banks cause i know u miss ur friends and ur home town.. and i have another company there

Y/N- wow.. i- i cant believe this is happening right now

MATTHEW- well... u better pack ur things now we're leaving tomorrow

Y/N- also dad could u maybe tell uncle ward not to tell other people that we are coming just keep it to himself... cause i wanna surprise my friends

MATTHEW- sure sweetheart (he smiles at u and kisses ur forehead)

u packed all ur things and got ready for tomorrow night


time passed by....

it was night time u took ur suitcase downstairs and outside to the car


u saw u parents coming outside with their suitcase too, u hopped in the car and so did they and the driver drove to the private airport. You and your parents hopped in the private jet and left colorado


u have finally arrived to outer banks, it was night time and hopped off the private jet there was a car waiting outside

u and ur parents hopped in the car with ur suitcases and drove to ur old house. You looked around and not much has changed u just missed ur old home town and the people in it

u went inside ur house and went to ur old room and there it was ur old pink bed with ur white walls and u sat on ur bed and looked in front of u... the wall of pictures u made when u were a early teen days.. pictures of sarah, kie, rafe, ur family, and other friends from kook academy, and ur pet cat roger which died when u were 10... ofc.. when before u left obx u had those pictures duplicated so u can take the other duplicated pictures with u to colorado cause u cant afford to lose it and u werent even sure if u were coming back to outer banks

then ur dad came inside ur room

Y/N- oh hey dad

MATTHEW- so... how does it feel to be back

Y/N- it feels so good.. i have so many memories here

MATTHEW- well u take a rest now sweetheart then u can meet ur friends tomorrow

Y/N- yea sure dad

he hugged u and u hugged him

then he left

u unpacked ur things and fixed them in ur room

then while unpacking u had the teddy bear and a necklace that rafe gave u when u were still in outer banks.. then again u remembered rafe.. u wanted to throw the teddy bear and the necklace away but u just couldn't so u put the necklace on the teddy bear... and u just placed it on the top of ur drawer

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