Ch 54

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The mere sight of it makes me dizzy.

[Oman, the God of Benevolence, is intrigued by what has occurred]

[Hesed, the God of Knowledge, applauds themself on their successful plan to move you]

My head was pounding, but I tried to keep the chat window in front of me as hidden as possible and told Kyle,

"Ha, haha. I was surprised."

It's probably best for him not to know that the god of his birth month is very interested in his waist pants and would blush every time.

"I don't think it's that big of a deal. Let's go back."

I took his hand once more, and he sat me on the horse.

The horse ran straight away.

The distance we ran, we arrived at the starting point of the Hunting Festival by the end of the afternoon.

It was filled with food and alcohol, much like an outdoor royal banquet.

Those who had already hunted animals or monsters were standing in front of the officials and writing down their records.

We went up to the Emperor and Queen. The Queen, however, had a pale complexion.

Kyle told the Emperor,

"I brought the Saintess to purify the stone."

A deep smile slipped on the Emperor's lips when he uttered those words.

He stared proudly at me.

"You did an excellent job, Saintess."

"Not at all, Your Majesty."

I responded humbly.

Of course, inside, I thought I should charge the temple with a larger risk allowance.

But then. Suddenly, the Queen looked at me and asked,

"Was the Crown Prince with the Saintess the entire time?"

'Would you look at this?'

I replied calmly,

"Yes. He was with me the whole trip to the stone."

The Emperor then said, as if pressing the Queen,

"My Queen, are you suspicious of the Crown Prince?"

I listened to their conversation, wondering what that meant.

"...It's not like that, but two of my closest aides died mysteriously during this Hunting Festival; shouldn't we look into everything?"

I couldn't keep myself from being surprised.

If it's the Queen's dead aide then... Alberto?

The Emperor's worried voice followed,

"Both the Queen's cousin, Baron Ludwig, and her second cousin, the consul of the court, studied at a desk*. They were killed in a tragic accident; I know you're feeling empty, but please don't say that."

(T/N: Means like they don't involve themselves with the hunt.)

It seems that neither of the dead was Alberto. However, given the expression of the Queen's disintegration and death, it was most likely a cornerstone of her life.

And, I couldn't believe someone died at the Hunting Festival.

'It was also a dangerous thing.'

It was when I cast a glance at Kyle, thinking about the additional amount I would charge for the risk allowance.

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