Antecedent 7

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A/N: uploaded the first part then decided to add a little more because I got indecisive with where I wanted to write it. That and I kind of like writing Tink. Again there may be mistakes in grammar so apologies in advance!


By the time that Tink arrived back empty handed and without Junior, all I felt was numb. The laughter had dried out as quickly as it had started. Apparently Junior was feeling a little shy and as response to that newfound timid persona, he had been making alterations to his 'face.' I failed to see what alterations could possibly be made into Troy's flesh and only more so as they had decided to skewer him with butcher hooks beforehand. I had turned my head before the elder of the two went into detail, my mind foraging for some kind of relief or escape that took me well away from the world of the Sawyers. It was only a matter of time before I saw it but it didn't make me any more eager to know. Instead I closed my eyes and breathed through my nose focusing my mind on a memory. A time before this. It was difficult to find any relief as my thoughts only focused on just how close Tex was sitting intent on watching me as if I was going to have a moment which would end in some kind of stand off. By this point that would only do more harm than good.
"You know you're going to have to say sorry." Slowly I allowed my eyes to open and inspected the blonde in the corner of my vision. "You upset him by screaming at him like a crazy person."
"I'll apologise to him when you apologise for killing my friends."
"Ah, agree to disagree it is." Tex shrugged as I shook my head, by this point I wasn't disillusioned by how little he cared or the lack of his remorse. It was still sickening but it was something I was very grudgingly becoming used to. "Didn't have to scream at him though, he's simple."
"Tell me something I don't know."
"I see you're getting your fight back, some breakfast help you there or maybe it was the fear of me feeding lovely Joel to you?" This time my head sharply turned to face him only meeting a twisted smirk in response. He had clearly been fishing for a reaction and despite wanting to will myself not to humour the mere mention of Joel had me ready to punch him square in the jaw. "Such a nice fella. You know he was more worried about you the entire time than himself. 'Let her go, take me, just let her go.'" Adjusting his pitch to make it sound more shrill and female only made me glare more intently at him. "Should have seen his face when I told him no. You know, he even tried to bribe me. We don't need money around here, all we need is family."
"You're all insane." I informed him dryly. Tex only tilted his head repeating the word to himself before leaning closer.
"Coming from a person with money but how much family exactly?" My jaw clenched at the thought of home and how close he seemed to be making a point. It had been years since my dad and I had last spoken and even then it had ended in an argument. An argument and a packed bag. It was too late to be remorseful, it was quite likely that I would never see him again to make an apology. Unlikely that he would even know I was missing until it hit the radio and news channels.
"Fuck you."
"Oh, did I touch a nerve sweetheart?" Tex sniggered, leaning away as his arm attempted to make its way around my shoulders. I pushed a hand against him informing him silently that personal space ought to be one of the very few rites I had left. "I do apologise. See how easy it is to say sorry, you don't even have to mean it." Placing my hand firmer against his chest and turning back to look at the wall littered in children's drawings I retrieved it as Tex gave a casual 'fine' and sat back. It wasn't like the usual drawings you would find of flowers, rainbows and puppies and naturally I wasn't surprised to know a child was so happy scribbling decapitations and depicting a family dinner scene complete with bowls of body parts...There were no words. The girl alone would have a psychiatrist filling a book of findings and discoveries for the next year before they could even move onto the next family member. Shaking my head I bowed it down and allowed a hand to rest against my forehead clenching some strands of now dry curls.
Where does it end? When does any of this stop?
"Quite the little artist, isn't she?" Tex mused proudly as I focused on my feverish touch and feel of soft strands. "And cute as a button. Not that we didn't think Junior had it in him." Moving away now and hearing his boots connect to the floor, I kept my eyes closed as the sound of running water happened. "You know, it's one of those things that always confuses me."
"What?" I dreaded asking but knew by the fact he had paused after saying such a thing that he wanted a response.
"Why is everyone thinking that pleading or crying works? Know how many people came in here screaming before you?" Pursing my lips, my mind did the maths. To think of anyone with Junior the face skinning maniac was already one sickening thing but to know that he clearly forced himself...I didn't want to think of it. To have the intelligence of a child at his age was one thing when he was manipulated by the worst kind of influences but whatever pity or empathy I had for him was dwindling. "Only thing it does is strain your vocal chords. Well and give yourself a headache. Thirsty?" A glass skidded against the wood of the table as I willed myself to look at him. "Come on, doubt your quick dunk rejuvenated you all that much."
"Big word."
"You're the one who left a dictionary in the trunk." Unsure whether Tex was being sarcastic or not, I just looked at him and where his hand was still resting as if he thought I would smash the cup over his head and I couldn't deny that I wanted to. "What, you still don't trust me? Lori I am hurt." Not yet you're not. "If I have to keep borrowing Tinker every time I try to do something nice for you, he might ask me if it's all worth it. One little sip won't kill you."
"The fact you're the one giving it to me might."
"Do I need to get someone else to give you it? Well I think Alfredo hasn't left for work yet." Smirking in my direction, I rolled my eyes and stretched forwards to take the glass from his fingertips, an action which clearly pleased him as he took to sitting back down. "Nice big drink now, you're going to need your voice teaching Junior now and for sweet talking me some more." Wrinkling my nose at the blonde he merely nodded down at the water as if the fact that every insult and threat I had given him was exactly what it was in his own mind and not up for debate. Grudgingly I weighed my options but couldn't deny that I parched. Lifting it to my lips I took a drink preparing for the worse and was relieved when it did taste like regular water. "See, I can be a real gentleman."
"We have different definitions of the word." I muttered, setting the glass back down after a mouthful. While it did offer some form of comfort in my throat I couldn't find it in myself to have anymore.
"Perhaps" Tex nodded simply not taking it too personally. "Perhaps not, like I've said before it's all about perspective. Makes a world of difference."
"Perhaps." I repeated as he stretched out in his seat separating his legs a little to make himself comfortable. Giving out a long and drawn out breath he stretched back, his eyes not once leaving me as if he suspected at any moment I would bolt.
"At this rate you'll have to have Junior tomorrow, when he gets sulky he likes to hide away."
"What a pity." I said unsympathetically. How awful it must have been for the faceskinner to have someone not appreciate his brutality. I wasn't his family but the man he now wore as his new mask was more or less mine.
"Is that how you'd feel about all your students?"
"Just the ones that kill and eat my friends as a form of sick hobby." I bit back sharply.
"Maybe it's just as well you're a private tutor now."
"Yes I always wanted to be paid in my own posessions."
"You know I missed our conversations while you were sleeping away." He informed me, chuckling away as if I had told the greatest joke. Shaking my head I exhaled. I was getting tired of his humour, or lack of. Normal people didn't find amusement in the suffering of others quite like he seemed to. "It was getting real dull for my liking. Lucky for us Tinker has some good ideas, he's definitely the smart one." Nodding in appreciation at his elder brother I just remained sitting and looking through him adjusting my potion as he tried to hook my ankle with his. "A nice, cold shock to the system and all is fine again."
"Back to our differing perspectives."
"Precisely." Tex agreed, "see look at us beginning to agree on things. Getting closer already."
"Through no choice of my own."
"If you like I can get much closer." Taunting me, I pulled my legs up against those of the chair as he made an effort once more to touch me. It made no difference what I thought, sure he would humour but not in a way of doing what I'd want him to. Instead he was making a point of playing with me some more, a power play. He knew he had control on the situation and I didn't doubt he could crack down harder to get his own way with one false move. I recalled how quickly his mood had changed twice now at the mention of 'Ed' or 'Edward' but this was not a time I could use it. Not yet.
"I wouldn't like that at all."
"You might like it." He promised breathlessly as I shook my head. "And if you don't, tough. My house, my rules."
"I think you'll find it's your mama's house." I corrected him pulling my legs completely to me now and wrapping the material of his shirt around my knees not wanting him to flash another sight of something his eyes had no right to see. It didn't stretch all that far but enough that I felt a bit more safe in my own company and posture.
"Actually, it's Grandpa's. Hey now, I've not actually introduced you yet have I?" Pondering aloud, Tex straightened up and reached to lead my arm. I pulled it closer to me as he pouted. "Am I gonna have to carry you or are you going to make things easier for a change?" My thoughts could only pair the thought of Grandpa with his appetite, more specifically on Joel's blood and that was a harrowing sight. I didn't need it joining all the other ones the Sawyers had forever tarnished in my mind. Still the blonde didn't seem to take much note or care for my lack of enthuasism. "Carrying it is then, c'mon missy." As he reached forwards I swatted my hand instantly. Anticipating it, he grinned and flicked his wrist quickly to snare mine in his long fingers. Puckering his lips to give a pretend smooch I glowered at him warningly. "You can give me some sugar later, for now have some manners."
"Let go." I warned, my fist clenching in his grip.
"Or what sweetheart, don't you remember the last time you tried to fight dirty? I gave you a nice little bite."
"Don't even try it." Raising my other hand I held it to show I would make good on my threat.
"On second thought, Grandpa can wait." Tex said as I attempted to pull my captured wrist back but he kept it close to him in a firm grip. "Let's have some fun."
"We have different ideas on what fun is."
"Is that right?"
"It is."
"Nah, I don't think we do." Again I attempted to draw back only this time when Tex refused to budge, he pulled. With only one hand to balance myself it didn't take long for the seat to clatter against the floor and for myself to be against him. Pouting again, I refused to hold back this time. Aiming a swift knee and knowing he was expecting it I used my free hand to hit him in the face as he caught my leg. Blood formed between his teeth as his head cracked to the side. He seemed shocked for a moment but quickly his grin returned though more manic than before as I tried to free both body parts. "See, already having a great time." Pulling my leg further against him and forcing it to rest on his thigh I threw my head forwards. It was an action he wasn't so hastily expecting as I collided with him and he let go of me to hold his knees and stumble back.
"New big word for you asshole, it's called consent. It means when I say no it means no." I told him agreeing with the racing of my heart that I had had enough of his behaviour. Though the more I seemed to fight back or hit him, the more excited he seemed to get and I knew now that I had humoured him with more than one hit he would not back down. "Not that it's mattered to any of you up until now but it's real."
"You keep saying no, never mean it though." Spitting out some blood, Tex wiped his sleeve against his mouth. His blue eyes shining dangerously like a freshly sharpened knife. He definitely was getting in the mood. "So what good is your consent really?"
"I mean it." I warned him again hoping by some miracle it would talk sense into him. With each second his face seemed more twisted in amusement and pleasure.
"Differing opinions again, here I thought we were starting to get along." My eyebrows knitted together in a frown trying best to think of what my next move would be but didn't have time as he rushed forwards like a raging bull. Quickly side stepping him he launched into the table. "Oh a couple of days healing and you're getting faster. It's more fun when you fight back, you know that? Really gets me going, know what else gets me going?" Turning round to face me, I stepped further back to get away from him. From the corner of my eyes I could spy the knife rack and pans. Things I could use against him and was ready to do. His head followed where I was looking and by now the sneer of delight was only more obvious. "Go on sweetheart, I'll give you a head start but then what? Tink will hear me yell, Junior might as you make a run for it like a twitchy little rabbit. You run to the road, it'd be easy to find you. Run into a trap and we'll capture you and then you'll be right back where you started. Only I'll be a little more eager to settle the score."
"Well at least I'd get to stab you." I decided to simply rush forwards to make a leap for the knives. Instantly I felt a tug in my hair forcing my head back with it and taking me off balance as I cried out from the forceful yank he gave. My body collided with the counter top as he snaked and coiled more of my auburn locks in his fingers. He closed the gap quickly after, his waist pressing into my lower back as I gave a noise of disgust. "You're vile."
"What? I told you, you get me going. Especially when you cry out all pained and helpless like that." Breathing into my ear before pulling again at my hair I tried to reach back only to feel his knee rise and press into my back in place of himself "Your pain, your screams, it excites me sweetheart. Next move is yours but I don't promise to control myself." Pushing his knee to bend me over I groaned between my gritted teeth. "Think next I'll give you your boots back so you can step your heel into me."
"You are one extremely messed up lunatic." I grunted trying to hold my ground but he was bigger and heavier than I was.
"Don't be mean." Tex scolded as my hips hurt from the thrust that came against the wood. "Come on sweetheart, your move." Grunting in disgust at his touch and the closeness of his breath and touch, I reached an arm forwards trying to reach for the knives, fingers almost touching. "Too slow." Ripping my head back with my hair against him, he turned me around, my previously outstretched hand reaching to try and get his grasp and kicking higher up his leg as he grunted. It wasn't much but it was enough to make me satisfied I had caused him some form of pain.
"Serves you right."
"Is that so?"
"I haven't even started on you yet." Tex promised, tight hold continuing to clench and pull. His other hand draped down against my waist. I grimaced at what his obvious intentions were as he tucked his head in against my neck inhaling my scent. I could feel the warm drops of blood from his mouth flow over my flesh. There was denying this was definitely the stuff that got him hot but only sickened me to the bone. There was only one person I had ever let get this close to me in life and because of this psychopath he was now gone from this world. "You want another love bite."
"Bite me and I'll stab you twice."
"Promises, promises." He breathed, I struggled feeling his lips on my flesh. Closing my eyes I decided there was only one move that may work to my advantage. Raising a leg once more I stuck my heel into his shinbone and pushed my weight into it. Taking myself back and him with me he gave a grunt as it was his turn to collide into the corner of the wood. Nodding against his hand, I adjusted himself before placing an elbow in between the small gap of space he made from the moment of shock. A heavy gasp soon followed as his fingers loosened and I threw myself heavily to the floor to escape him. Rolling over to ensure he couldn't take advantage of my position I propped myself up on my elbows and pushed back. My breath caught in my throat, pain blistered and thumped and I could see a small bundle of long auburn hair float gently to the floor as the sound of the door opened filled the strained silence.
"What the hell?" Tink's voice asked, agitated and somewhat dumbfounded as I found myself able to breathe. "Seriously boy, not even noon yet and she's kicked your ass." Once my back touched the leg of the table I straightened up as Tex just shrugged at his brother somewhat disheartened as he wiped his blood filled mouth. Tink looked anything other than impressed as he stood there looking between the two of us. "Do I even want to know? You know you have a damn room for anything like that, what if Mama walked in?"
"You know what she does to me. Minute she decided to start calling me names I decided it was time for a lesson, we wouldn't want her to get too naughty and out of place now." Was the simple defence as I gave another noise refusing to be sick. Tink just despaired with a heavy sigh.
"You fix lunch, she's coming with me before your six feet under, it seems you can't be trusted to do one damn thing."
"Shouldn't she get to choose?" Tex whined pathetically as if I wanted nothing more than to stay in his company and let him latch onto me like a leech. At the same time it was obvious that he would rather speak for me and regardless of what I said would see it as more bonding time. "Not that it matters."
"I choose your brother." I wasted no time informing him instinctively moving closer towards Tink.
"Well there you have it, this one time her opinion can count for shit. Come on girl, don't trust you out of my sight for a minute." Holding out his hands he tossed a patched up leather jacket at me that had clearly been through the wars. 
"Lunch now. Had you started when I told you it would be near enough cooked by now. Don't make me come back to nothing." Tink warned his sibling definitely not up for any more funny business. I couldn't help but give a breath of relief to be with the somewhat saner of the two. I wasn't under any illusion that my time with him would be better but at the very least he had been less physical and was more observant than acting out of precaution or blatant brutality.  "You gonna put that on or do you want a chill? I don't want anything you catch." Likewise. Or anything they already had at this point. Hygiene was clearly not on point in any room other than at the least the room we were in now, the kitchen. Alfredo for sure was bound to be riddled with something.
"Can I have a pair of my trousers?" I figured it didn't hurt chancing my luck at this stage.
"Do I look like fucking Santa Claus? I'm doing you a big enough favour right now, put the coat on and get moving. Or do you want to stay here? I'll put you on a leesh and leave you in the garden, maybe Junior will play with you."
"I'm coming."
"Good because I ain't got all day."
At this point I may even accept Alfredo's company.

Antecedent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now