♡ 16

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Delicate piano music combined with the cacophonous chatter of countless strangers filled the ballroom. The party my father had planned was an over-the-top, extravagant show of wealth, even by my standards. He'd transformed the family estate into something fit for a royal. The cold, loveless walls that I'd grown up with were covered in gorgeous drapes and flowers, hiding the truth of their nature. What a beautiful lie we feed our unsuspecting guests.

To my surprise, my controlling father had permitted me to dress myself without a stylist, so I opted for a blush-colored, silk gown with cascading layers of tulle. On my arm, catching the eye of everyone in room, in a magnificent tan suit, was my husband-to-be, Taehyung. He was playing his role with expert precision, providing only the most charming of introductions to all who approached us. Quite the actor. They were eating him up, drinking in his every word.

But my eyes were elsewhere, charmed by another. Dressed in a wine-red suit, looking so divine it was almost torturous, leaned casually against the wall, was Jeon Jungkook. I cursed him under my breath. With occasional smug glances in my direction, it was clear that the extra effort he had put into his appearance tonight was intentional. He was perfectly aware that he had caught my attention. He was toying with me, and enjoying it, too. I wanted to rush over to him, but I was tethered to my current spot, putting on a pitiful show.

When we finally got a break from the constant greetings and small talk, Taehyung turned to me with a playful but dangerous gaze. "My dear fiancé, I hope you can stop ogling the man in the corner of the room."

I narrowed my eyes at him, but only briefly, so he would be the only one to notice. "Oh, shut up. I've watched you run your eyes up and down more than one woman here tonight."

"I can't help myself," he smirked. "There are so many delectable dishes on tonight's menu." I wanted to cringe at his words, but he delivered them with such smoothness, even the raunchiest comments imaginable sounded seductive.

"You're doing well so far, so just contain yourself until the evening concludes," I rolled my eyes.

"I'll behave, don't worry, I know the importance of timing," he chuckled. "Shall we take a seat with the object of your desires over there?" He tilted his head in Jungkook's direction.

"That's a horrible idea, are you kidding me?" I scoffed.

"Oh, I know it is," he grinned. "But I think it would be an amazing form of entertainment, so please do introduce us." Before I could protest any further, he linked his arm tighter in mine, practically dragging me over to Jungkook's location.

As we approached, I noticed Jungkook attempting to make an escape to another table, but Taehyung was focused in on him like a hawk. He pulled out the chair right beside Jungkook and wasted no time trapping him in conversation. Begrudgingly, I took my place in the seat next to Taehyung and awaited my fate. I never had a clue what was going on in his head, so I couldn't begin to guess what kind of insanity was going to spew from his mouth.

"You must be my fiancé's secretary, Jungkook?" Taehyung hummed coyly to the man beside him.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Jungkook responded, intentionally feigning ignorance of who Taehyung was, unsure of what kind of game he was playing.

"Just call me Taehyung," he beamed. "You'll have to get used to seeing me around- I'm a very attentive lover."

I was internally dying, begging to disappear from the current plane of existence. I slowly began to shove the heel of my shoe into Taehyung's foot as a warning. He turned to me with a curious look, testing me to continue interrupting his fun. I wanted to kill him, but if I didn't let him proceed with his little charade, he'd certainly make things even worse.

"How is Y/N as a boss, Jungkook?" Taehyung continued. "I hear she is quite the feisty little devil."

"She is lovely, nothing like the rumors," Jungkook smiled, though his eyes told a different story. "But you would know that, wouldn't you?" By now, he was catching on that Taehyung was teasing him, and his annoyance was evident. His fingers tapped on the table impatiently, body tensing.

"Now, now, don't get worked up," Taehyung waved his hand. "I'm pushing your buttons for a bit of personal enjoyment, but I brought Y/N over here as a favor to you."

"How thoughtful," I snorted, gaining the attention of both men.

"Its true!" Taehyung put a hand to his chest. "I quite like him, Y/N. Most people shrivel up into a ball of cowardice when I mess with them, but he's got fire. I like that."

"Thank you?" Jungkook responded as more of a question.

"It takes a special breed to be with someone like Y/N or myself," Taehyung explained. "When you're perched on a pedestal as high as ours, most won't bother to climb and meet us. They are perfectly contented lying at our feet, singing us pretty words, telling us everything we want to hear- so it is quite refreshing to have someone stand up to me."

While I didn't agree with Taehyung's methods, his message was painfully true. It was why I found it difficult to make connections with others. Outside of maybe Yoongi and Jimin, no one challenged me or spoke a thought in opposition of my own. Not until I met Jungkook. He wasn't afraid to treat me as his equal. He didn't walk on eggshells around me.

"I can appreciate that," Jungkook smiled, honestly this time. "I won't complain about someone having Y/N's best interests in mind, maybe just be less of an asshole about it, next time."

"I'm in love," Taehyung cooed, resting his chin in his hands with his elbows on the table.

"Okay, masochist," I rubbed my temples as I looked at Taehyung. "If you are done testing him, can we get the dinner portion of this night over with?"

The two men had spent the rest of the night bonding, laughing with one another and sharing stories. Somehow, I had become the third wheel despite being engaged to one and dating the other. I spent my time looking over them fondly. It was better if they got along, considering our circumstances. There would no doubt be times when Taehyung and I would have to make public displays of affection to prove the legitimacy of our relationship to our families and the media. If Jungkook's feelings of discomfort or jealousy could be minimized by a good relationship between the two of them, then I would be happy for it.

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now