Chapter 64

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I nod my head, then we wrap everything up and say goodbye.

When I walk back to my brothers, Elijah isn't crying.

That's good.

I thought they'd fuck up like Ares did.

Elijah has the lollipop in his mouth as they all talk to each other.

Atlas sees me and quickly rushes to my side, "are you okay?" He asks worry lacing his voice.

I nod my head, "just some bruises and cuts" I tell him

"Nothing broken?"

"Three ribs" I say.

He makes a pained face, "that sucks" he mutters.

I nod my head, "yeah it does" I say.

"What day is it?" I ask him

He shrugs his shoulders so I ask Angelo who informs me that it's Saturday.

Atlas and I nod our heads.

Elijah makes grabby hands towards me from where he is sitting on Vincenzo's lap so I pick him up as his arms wrap around my neck then everyone stands back up and we head to the car.

"Mama okay?" He asks me.

I smile and look down at him, "yes, mama's okay"

He smiles and snuggles his head into me, "did you like the lollipop?" I ask him.

He nods his head, "yeah tasty" he smiles.

I stroke his back lovingly as we step back into the car.

"Do you want to go home or get some new clothes then we go shopping another time ?" I ask him.

"Clothes" he says.

I smile and nod my head, "okay but we're going to eat something first" I tell him.

He nods his head and cuddles further into me.

During the ride back home, Elijah falls asleep in my arms.

Ares decides to pick him up and stays with him when we get home.

I start cutting up some fruit in bowls while Angelo makes toast for everyone.

Half an hour has gone bye when we're finally finished with making everyone some lunch.

I send a text in the group telling them to come to the dining room for lunch then Angelo and I set the table.

Elijah is still sleeping in Ares' arms when he walks into the dining room.

It's so cute.

Ares gives Elijah to me before he sits down.

I'll need to get started on making a sleep schedule for him.

So he sleeps at night and is awake during the day and some naps at noon if he's tired.

I sit down with Elijah seated on my lap.

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