Chapter 24

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 "Mom?" Yin Mingzheng's voice was very soft, as erratic as a catkin, anyone could judge his weakness.

"Oh, I wasn't careful." Zhou Juan returned to her senses, squatted down to pick up the lunch box, and asked nervously, "What else did he say?"

"He said he would come to me." Yin Mingzheng lowered his head, his eyelashes trembled, "We exposed his pedophilia. He can't stand it anymore and wants to take revenge on our family."

Zhou Juan's face was pale, her eyes were angry and scared, "How dare he!"

"He will definitely come back, do you want Dad to come over? ?" Yin Mingzheng asked.

Zhou Juan took a deep breath, "Yes, of course."

Zhou Juan walked out of the ward, came to the edge of the corridor, and leaned against the railing to call Yin Qiang.

Yin Qiang: "What's the matter!"

Zhou Juan looked around and said in a low voice, "Mingzheng just said that the person who conducted the paternity test is Chen Hui."

"What? It's him?!" Yin Qiang was furious. .

"Chen Hui told Ming Zheng personally, and he has to take Ming Zheng away, I'll just say, no one does Ming Zheng's paternity test out of nowhere, then Chen Hui is a pervert, neurotic, capable of anything! "Zhou Juan complained.

She did not suspect that Yin Mingzheng was lying, because Yin Mingzheng didn't know the truth from the beginning to the end, and they had no grievances and no grudges, who would do a paternity test? The biggest possibility now is Chen Hui. Chen Hui is neurotic and perverted, and cannot be handled with common sense.

Yin Qiang was angry, "#¥@#!"

Zhou Juan: "Ming Zheng said that Chen Hui would come again, we ruined his reputation, and he wanted to take revenge on us."

"What?!" Yin □□□ angry, "If it weren't for him The release of the paternity test made our family jump around, how could there be such a mess?! He took revenge? I want to take revenge!"

Zhou Juan: "Would you like to come and guard? Then ask Chen Hui what he knows, We can't go wrong when it comes to changing children."

Yin Qiang: "I'll be right here!"

Zhou Juan held her phone, let out a light breath, and returned to the ward. She found that Yin Mingzheng was asleep again, so she called the cleaner to clean the floor.

Soon Yin Qiang rushed over aggressively holding a bottle of wine, and when he entered the door, he shouted, "Is Chen Hui here?"

"Shh, keep your voice down," Zhou Juan said.

"Bah! What if I'm loud?" Yin Qiang said, opening the bottle and taking a sip.

"Mom." The man on the bed opened his eyes, "I'm hungry."

Zhou Juan realized that the rice porridge had been spilled and Yin Mingzheng hadn't eaten breakfast, so she said, "I'll go buy it."

Before leaving, she instructed Yin Qiang, " Take a look."

Then he hurried downstairs to buy breakfast.

Yin Qiang rolled his eyes and kept drinking with the bottle, making the ward smell of alcohol.

Yin Mingzheng said weakly: "Dad..."

"Shut up, I'm not your father!"

Yin Mingzheng changed his words, "Uncle Yin, you can't drink in the ward, the doctors and nurses will scold you when they see it.

" Qiang continued to sit on the stool and drink.

"I will really scold you, but I can't stand the smell of alcohol..." Yin Mingzheng said, "You go out and turn to the left, go all the way to the end, and open the door to be the emergency passage. There is usually no one there and no surveillance. You Go there and drink."

Yin Qiang snorted coldly, ignoring him.

Yin Mingzheng said: "If you drink again, I'll ring the bell."

"Too much shit!" Yin Qiang stood up angrily and left the ward with the bottle.

After a while, Yin Mingzheng also got up from the hospital bed, his eyes were bottomless, like an abyss.

The ward is relatively remote. At the beginning, Shu Ning chose a VIP single room so that people would not disturb him. The corridor to the left is relatively short, and it ends when you go around it.

Yin Mingzheng held the infusion rod in his hand, walked slowly to the end of the corridor, and climbed the handrail up the stairs.

The emergency passages in the hospital have retractable doors. When opening the door, you must use force. When the door is released, the door will automatically spring back and make a loud bang.

Therefore, the people inside will subconsciously use their voices to judge whether they are coming or not, and lose their vigilance.

Yin Mingzheng gently pushed open a gap, and the whole process did not make a single sound.

In the crack of the door, Yin Qiang sat drinking on the dim stairs, with his back to the retractable door.

Distance and location are all included in the calculation.

Yin Mingzheng put the iron rod hanging on the infusion bag in the ward in and pushed it forward.

Yin Qiang, who had his back to him, was caught off guard and rolled down the stairs screaming.

The stairs were steep, and it took him a while to roll to the end, bumping his head against the wall, dizzy, and nearly passed out.

Yin Qiang screamed, warm blood came out from the top of his head, and quickly wet his cheeks.

I drank alcohol, and my blood was full of alcohol. Now my head is swelled like a balloon, and my spirit is extremely excited.

He stood up staggeringly, dizzy, cursed while climbing the stairs, accidentally stepped on the broken bottle of wine, slipped to his knees again, slammed his face on the edge of the stairs, and his nosebleed came out on the spot.

"Wocao Nima! @#¥@#%!" Yin Qiang wailed and cursed, his voice echoing in the dark stairwell.

He crawled for a long time before he reached his head, knocked open the retractable door, and swayed into the middle of the corridor with a bang, cursing as he walked, and when he got closer to the ward, he saw some patients and their family members.

Patients and their families stepped aside in horror.

Yin Qiang shook his head and pressed against the wall to 1105, Yin Mingzheng's ward.

Zhou Juan just came back from breakfast, and was opening the plastic bag to hold the buns. When she saw Yin Qiang come in with blood all over her head, her eyes widened in shock, "Yin Qiang, what's the matter with you?"

She dropped the buns to help Yin Qiang.

"It's okay!" Yin Qiang pushed him away angrily, "Someone pushed me just now!"

"Who pushed you?" Zhou Juan asked.

"I don't know! If I knew I killed him!" Yin Qiang's eyes were blood red.

Yin Mingzheng on the bed said weakly, "Could it be Chen Hui?"

Yin Qiang was furious, "It's him! Damn it! It must be him!"

Well, who would push him?

He just came to the hospital!

He has no enemies!

"I want to kill him, I must kill him!" Yin Qiang said while hitting the wall again.

"Yin Qiang, take a look at the wound." Zhou Juan said with concern.

Yin Qiang roared: "It's none of your business! Get out of the way! It's annoying to see you!"

Zhou Juan was too frightened to speak.

Yin Qiang was in pain and anger. After drinking the wine, he was dizzy, and the wound was painful. "Where is Chen Hui? Where is the fuck?!"

Yin Mingzheng said softly: "Perhaps... you can go to the corridor to look for it? "

Yes! Fuck! He must still be hiding in the corridor!" The drunk Yin Qiang rushed out bloodthirsty like a mad dog.

Zhou Juan was a little worried. Just about to get up, Yin Mingzheng said, "Mom, don't go, he will hit you."

Zhou Juan hesitated for a moment, then sat back on the edge of the bed.

Yin Qiang rushed back to the corridor again, rummaging up and down, but saw no one, and was about to curse when suddenly he heard movement from below.

He stretched his head and looked down, and saw a man in a black coat climbed up from the corridor panting, Yin Qiang waited for him to climb up, and gradually saw the man's face.

He wears glasses, his features are ordinary, and he is very gentle.

Familiar face.

Yin Qiang had met Chen Hui. The incident of Yin Mingzheng breaking into Chen Hui's house and stealing was a big deal. Yin Qiang and Chen Hui met several times.

Thinking that Chen Hui framed Yin Mingzheng before, causing him to be embarrassed, thinking that he was a disgusting pervert, thinking that his release of the paternity test made the whole family jumping around, thinking that he just pushed himself...

New hatred and old hatred, all rushed up mind.

The wound hurts badly, and his head swells faintly after drinking.

Yin Qiang's eyes gradually turned blood red. He beat his wife and son at home for a long time, and he had long been accustomed to use violence to vent his anger.

He couldn't help but rushed down the corridor, kicking hard on Chen Hui who had just walked up, and Chen Hui flew downstairs on the spot.

Yes, fly.

The back of his head hit the stairs, his neck twisted to the side, and his body continued to roll down due to inertia.

Yin Qiang was still not discouraged, rushed up and grabbed Chen Hui's head, like beating Yin Mingzheng and Zhou Juan, grabbing Chen Hui's head and hitting the wall.


Chen Hui's glasses had long since fallen to nowhere, squinting, shouting weakly, struggling to grab Yin Qiang's hand with both hands, "Let go, I'm going to die, let go..."

" How dare you threaten me? Ah! Push me! Come on!" Yin Qiang was furious, grabbing his neck with one hand and hitting his head against the wall with the other.

"Yin Mingzheng asked me to come... He asked me to meet here at ten..." Chen Hui's face was blue and purple, and he tried to break his hand, "Let go..."

Yin Qiang's eyes were blood red, "Fart! You wanted to strangle to death last night. he!"

"I stopped! I stopped!" Chen Hui said, "He said he would come with me, so I stopped!"

"Fuck! You just want to kill him! Kill me! Fuck you!" Furious Yin Qiang didn't listen to him at all, the more he spoke, the more angry he became, grabbing his head and continuing to smash hard against the wall.

a moment.

Hit a dozen times in a row.

Chen Hui's hand holding his neck slowly loosened, and his body softened.

However, Yin Qiang didn't realize that alcohol and pain were burning in his veins. He was very excited and continued to hold Chen Hui against the wall.

"Kill you! Die! Die! Die!" Inside the


Zhou Juan asked anxiously, "Why hasn't your father come back yet?"

Yin Mingzheng was lying on the hospital bed, so thin that he was about to sink into the quilt, "I will come back when my anger subsides."

Zhou Juan frowned, "I always feel in my heart. It's not safe."

She stood up and walked around the room, trying to do something to distract her attention. When she saw the plastic bag on the bedside table, she reached out and put it away in the drawer.

I opened the drawer and found a bottle of liquor lying inside.

"Why is there wine here?" Zhou Juan picked it up and looked at it. It was an ordinary white wine with high purity, the kind that Yin Qiang often drank.

"It's for Dad." Yin Mingzheng's eyelashes trembled slightly, covering his dark eyes, "Maybe it won't work."

"Why can't I use it?" Zhou Juan took out the wine and stuffed it into her handbag, "Bring it back. Home, your dad must be very happy." The

door was suddenly knocked open.

Zhou Juan was startled, turned around, and saw that Yin Qiang was covered in blood, and rushed in embarrassedly, with a hideous and terrifying expression.

"Yin Qiang..." Zhou Juan saw his terrifying appearance, the memory of being beaten flooded into her heart, and she couldn't help swallowing.

Yin Qiang stared at her silently, his eyes were very strange.

"Yin Qiang?"

Yin Qiang suddenly rushed over and took her hand, "Let's go quickly and go to the capital."

Zhou Juan was staggered by him, "What's the matter? Why are you going to the capital?"

"Let's go!"

Yin Qiang Drag her out of the ward and into the corridor.

The people around stared at them with surprised eyes.

Zhou Juan pushed him away, "Yin Qiang, what are you doing?"

Yin Qiang held her shoulders, looking excited and strange, "Go to our son, to the Wei family, they can definitely save me!"

"You Crazy!" Zhou Juan said loudly, hurriedly looked into the ward, and then dragged him to the side of the corridor with force, "We can't go!"

"Go, we must go!" Yin Qiang said.

"Can't go!"

"Juan'er!" Yin Qiang roared, staring at her, tears suddenly rolled down from his eyes, and choked up, "I killed someone."

Zhou Juan was stunned.

"I really killed someone and I will go to jail..." Yin Qiang suddenly burst into tears.

For the first time, Zhou Juan saw Yin Qiang cry, like a child, tears and snot covering her entire face.

"Killing! Killing!" The

screams resounded through the sky, and a cleaner rushed to the corridor and shouted in horror, "There is a dead person in the corridor!"

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