you'll be fine

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valentinas pov:


(setting: car)

"mom" alexander says sounding concerned "yea" " don't you have to like give them permission to check my "reproduction organs" he says causing Felix to laugh along with all of his other brothers

"ok , guys stop laughing at him" i say as they continue to laugh "are you scared" Felix says laughing " no they are going to check either way i don't have to give them permission"I say causing him to sigh

"I'm not scared i just don't want a random ass stranger touching my dick" he says sounding nervous "youll be ok" i say trying to make him feel better "can you tell them not to" he says looking sad "bro you act like their going to harass you youll be fine , or are you just scared because you havent hit puberty yet and its small" emillio says punching alexs arm

"i have hit puberty dumbass , also i was talking to mom not once did i bring you idiots into my business" he says sounding actually aggravated which concerned me because no matter how serious my boys get they always laugh and joke and the fact that he was upset about something scared me.

"alex stop cussing at your brothers" Armondo says still driving

"tell them to get out of my fucking business" alex says putting his head in his hands , alex is the only one of my children who has bad anxiety so i was starting to get worried

"ok , everyone stop , armondo take me to the target right here" i say cause i need to calm alex down or hes going to have an outburst

"Ok" he says turning into the target we had to make this calm down session quick we had to be to the doctors by 8:30 and its 7:00 since there was no one there we pulled up into the parking lot

"alex come with me" i say stepping out of the car and alex steps out witoout saying anything or looking at anyone

we start walking into the store i didn't really need anything but while i was here i guess i would get some stuff

"whats wrong baby" i ask Alex whose looking down nonstop "nothing" he says thinking i would let it go "you wanted to talk to me in private without your brothers so tell me" i ask him while buying some pregnancy supplements

"im just nervous i haven't gone for a checkup since i was like 13 i just...... i don't know"he says laughing aat the end i could tell he was starting to feel better

"your a Bigboy it wont last long" i say "but i have to go back there alone " he says stomping like a child

"im sorry baby but it will be over before you know it ,ok" since he was acting like a child i was going to talk to him like one

"Mom be honest with me do i look like i haven't hit puberty" he asked me shocking me im not sure why he would ask his mother this but ill be honest " if this is about what your brothers were talking about ignore them , i know you've hit puberty already i had to go through all of your voice cracks when you were 15" i say laughing causing him to laugh

"feel better now" i ask him to which he nods "ok lets go" i say as we walk out of the store "thank you mom" he says making me smile "of course"

we git back into the car and were finally on the way to the doctors office with everyone laughing and joking

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