"I'm so sorry, I can't... Elle."

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Chapter XIII

"W-Would you like a cup of tea?" Nellie spoke softly as she received the gentlemen in the living room.
"I won't say no to the famous baker of Fleet Street." Said judge Riddle sounding friendly.
"I'll do it." Sweeney said simply as he stood up and put his hand above Nellie's shoulder to stop her. She trembled and almost jumped in his touch. A blue pair of eyes observed that.
"Please make yourself comfortable Mrs. Lovett." The judge said as Sweeney went to the kitchen.
"To tell you frankly, I was expecting you to be old. Didn't know you'd be so young." Said the judge, Nellie just looked down, her hands clutched the fabric of her skirt.
"Believe me Mrs. Lovett, this is the most hateful part of being a judge, visiting the victims and talking to them about the case... Please accept my apology for this sudden visit, but I really have to do this."
Nellie just nodded.

Judge Riddle just looked at the fragile woman in front of him, he knows something else was bothering her, something worse than the incident with Beadle Bamford.
"Well, do you Mrs. Lovett confirms that Beadle harassed you that day after taking away Tobias Raggs from your custody?"
Nellie swallowed the lump in her throat, talking about it or simply just hearing about it is still so hard and nerve wracking as memories come back.
"And that Mr. Todd, was the person who saved you that day?" The judge added just in time Sweeney came back with the cups of tea.
"Yes... He did." Nellie answered truthfully. Judge Riddle breathed while nodding at the answer he heard.
"How long have you known Mr. Todd, Mrs. Lovett if I may ask?" He raised the cup to his lips for a sip while he waited for an answer.
"What does that have to do with this case, sir?" Sweeney interrupted.
"Well, if you must know, I would have to check on your backgrounds too, if you wish to adopt Tobias Raggs. As for Mrs. Lovett here, I have all the files needed about her in my office, but for you Mr. Todd, I have not."
"Toby?" She asked which made the two gentlemen look at her.
"Yes Mrs. Lovett. Matter of fact, I came here today for that as well. When Mr. Todd here dropped by at my office earlier this afternoon, it came to my concern that you may indeed need Toby as much as the kid needs a new set of parents."
"Set of parents, you say?" Nellie asked in a higher pitch voice.
"Or a parent... I mean." Said the judge who smiled at Nellie.
"Tell me, Mrs. Lovett, it seemed that you're somewhat afraid of Mr. Todd. As far as I know and noticed, he only wanted to protect you all this time, but... Is it just me, or do you really tremble with him around?" He continued and looked at Sweeney for a while.
"Just to let you know, it was him who sent Beadle to the court, and from Mrs. Park's testimonies, it has always been him looking after you since that incident occured. But it seemed to me as if I am missing something." His fingers tapped on his own legs waiting for an answer.

Nellie tensed. Not knowing how to react and how to take the judge's words she just looked at him confused. She knew she had to tell him about the late judge Turpin, about Lucy, as well as about Pirelli, but something is stopping her when he looked at Sweeney Todd. She can't tell this judge why she can't receive any help from Sweeney Todd, she can't tell him it was in fact Sweeney Todd who've threatened her life even before Beadle, and that it was in fact him, who'd harassed her sexually.

She had to tell him...but she can't. She looked at Sweeney again, his face is blank but his eyes are both furious and...sad, then he looked up and opened his lips.

"It was I..." Sweeney finally spoke.
"He saved me, he did, judge Riddle." Nellie cut whatever Sweeney was about to say as she knew, he would confess.
"I-I owe Mr. Todd my life... I just..." She swallowed and closed her eyes tightly. "I just can't contend the fear I have since that day when Beadle..." Her tears fell. "R-raped me...and saw Mr. Todd beat him... I thought he'd kill him. Th-the blood, and his almost lifeless body in the hands of Mr. Todd...right before my eyes." She sobbed, partly, it was true. "I-I thought he killed him..." She covered her face with her palms and cried.
"Nellie..." Sweeney's voice broke. He knew it wasn't just about that. He knew very well she was lying and it broke his heart even more that she had to lie for him after everything he'd done to her. He can't get himself to just watch and listen to her knowing it only adds more fear and pain to her fragile heart.

Before he can reach her, judge Riddle's hand were already on Nellie's shoulder.
"Mrs. Lovett, I wish for your wellness..." He started. "it may not be appropriate to come from me, but, sometimes, some people have to be eliminated to keep our justice balanced..." The judge looked at Sweeney. "It is not always wrong to do wrong things for the fruit of goodness and justice. Sometimes we have to bend the rules for what is truly right and beneficial to the world. If cockroaches aren't extinguished, they would be the leading species in this planet, so we have to eliminate some of them to keep our race safe, don't we? I feel bad that you had to be the very witness of Mr. Todd's extinguishment of the little cockroaches pestering our society, but everyone deserves a chance Mrs. Lovett... After all, we all have our own demons inside. I as a judge, should not be the one saying this again, but I believe as a human being that Mr. Todd has finally chosen his path away from his demons now... It is the person that he chose to act now, that defines him."

Sweeney Todd just stared at the judge. He knew by then, that this man knew him. He knew what a monster he'd been.

"I really wish to see you again next time, better, Mrs. Lovett. I will have Tobias Raggs sent here first thing tomorrow morning. But please, give yourself a chance to recuperate from all these." The judge tapped Nellie's shoulder once again before he stood up ready to leave. Sweeney walked him out.

"Take care of her, Mr. Todd." Judge Timothy Riddle offered him his hand and Sweeney Todd looked at him for a long time before he sealed his request with a handshake. He cannot pull any word to speak.
"If she has changed you this way, you better keep her Mr. Todd...and pardon me that I came too late... I should've extinguished the cockroaches properly before you did. Before Mrs. Lovett fell into this situation." He shook his head.

"Who are you?" Was all Sweeney could ask to the man in front of him.
"Judge Tomothy Riddle." He smiled as he gave him an obvious answer.
"I'm expecting better from you than forgetting my name so quickly." The man smiled again and walked to his horse.

"Diamonds are forever only if you keep them in your hands properly Mr. Todd!" The judge shouted and salute Mr. Todd before he kicked the black stallion and left him in awe.
In the middle of the road, he stood. Trying to chew on every word the judge has told him.

"Nellie..." He called her name as he walked towards her after the judge went away.

Nellie stood up ready to leave the room but he grabbed her wrist.

"Please... Just... Leave me alone Mr. Todd."
"Nellie please..." He pleaded not knowing what to say and just looked at her beautiful eyes that are so tired.

"We're equal now..." She pulled her arm trembling as she looked him in the eyes as well.
"Guess I'm pretty much paid with my debt to you for saving my life...thrice...and for keeping me safe all this time." She said sarcastically.
"Don't come near me again Mr. Todd. Unless you want all your efforts to keep me alive gone to waste." She threatened coldly and walked up the stairs.

"I can't..." He whispered as her back slowly disappeared right before his eyes. "I'm so sorry, I can't...Elle..."

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