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THE PRESENTATION IS TODAY, and shockingly the only thing I can think of is Wren. Just, everything about her. I can't seem to stop thinking about her.

While it's apparent she's doesn't think about me as much as I do her, she seems a little on the tense side.

I'll pour my coffee, she'll wait for me to sit down before she'll go up and pour hers. I'll look up from my work and her head will be hidden behind papers. We'll talk and she'll be perfectly normal-not even a little flustered.

We basically ground against each other on a club couch-I mean her tongue was in my mouth. My hands were everywhere. It was great.

I open my fridge to see a bowl of whipped cream sitting in front of my coffee press. Maxon and his baking obsession. I wonder where this came from. He's still not telling me.

"Rhys." Speak of the devil.

I turn around to find Maxon in his pajamas. He's usually not up this early.

"Good luck with your presentation today." He walks over to me and reaches for a strawberry protein shake in the fridge.

"Thank you." I check the time and realize I still have time left, and I haven't made my coffee yet.

"I'm going to stop at the café, do you want anything?" I ask Max.

He shrugs. "Nah. I was going to go to a friends bakery later. Thanks though." Friend.

"Uh-huh." I take my things off the counter and leave my apartment.


I walk up to the building where the presentation is being held to see Wren standing outside. She's leaning on the side of the building, smoking a cigarette while on her phone.

I haven't seen her smoke since the first night at Breakers. But it sure is a sight. Her hair is down, and styled, she has on a black pantsuit, with a red shirt underneath. Her heels match the shirt.

"Morning, Miss James." I hold out a latte that I picked up for her, and a pastry bag containing a french toast bagel-it's something I thought she'd like.

Her eyes take in the food, then she stares up at me. The look in her eyes tell me she's grateful, but also surprised. She takes the food from me and I lean against the wall near her.

"Hm. This coffee's good, what kind is it?" She asks from beside me.

"A vanilla almond oat milk latte." That's what the barista told me. But I forgot something. "With cold foam."

A small laugh runs through my ears, and I can't help but drink it in. Once it dials down, I look at Wren to see a small smile on her face. I flash her my dimples.

She playfully rolls her eyes. "Just because I pointed out you have dimples, doesn't qualify as an excuse to use them on me."

"I remember you saying you liked them." I shrug and sip my coffee.

"Do you?" She glares at me from over the top of her cup.

"Mhm. I also remember how-"

"Good morning kids! It's a great morning isn't it? A perfect day for a meeting. And a perfect day for great news." Fernando stalks up to us, all his five-foot four glory.

Wren mumbles an insult as I stifle a nod. Fernando peeks at the pastry bag Wren's holding.

"Whatcha got there little lady?" Fernando's hand grips the bag and tugs it to him. Wren looks over at me with a 'can you believe this man' look.

"Is this a," He takes a large sniff of the bag. "french toast bagel with a cinnamon swirl filling?"

"Uh." Wren starts.

"Yeah." I take a large gulp of my coffee, my jaw straining around the lid.

"Mind if I have some? My mom only made oatmeal for breakfast, something about 'good for the brain'. Bunch of bull." He doesn't wait for a conformation as he takes the bagel out of the bag and takes a large bite.

Wren grinds her teeth. I watch i'm horror as Fernando finishes the bagel in three bites. Wren turns to me with furrowed brows. I lean down to whisper in her ear.

"Guess that means i'll have to pay for your dinner now."

"Yeah?" Wren raises her eyebrows up at me.

"Yeah." I nod and watch as Wren's eyes narrow on my face.

"Mh. What a better start to the day. Thanks so much for the breakfast. Let's head in, shall we?" Fernando wipes his hands on a small handkerchief.

When we walk into the building, we're met with several different people in the lobby. About a dozen men and women are standing around, talking quietly to each other; each one of them holding a variation of a briefcase.

Fernando gets everyone's attention. "Folks, i've brought the special guests. This is Miss Wren James, and Mr. Rhys Moore." He waves a hand to us.

The group of people move over to us, and start to shake our hands and introduce themselves. Wren stays at my side the entire time.

"We can all head up to the fifth floor, the meeting will be held in office, C211." Fernando instructs everyone.

I gently place my hand on Wren's back when we all start moving to the elevators. And I think I hear her whisper something that sounds like 'handsy'.


Throughout the whole presentation, everyone seems on board with everything. They're asking questions when needed, and we have the answers for them. Everything we have put in the contract is legal and we've gotten no red flags from the lawyers. Everything's looking good. Including Wren.

She moves with confidence when she's presenting the graphs and percentage polls, she speaks according to the people's interest levels. When she sees that they're getting bored with a certain topic, she knows how to change it seamlessly.

She's perfect.

Just watching her do her job makes my chest zing with a feeling i've never felt before. It's almost like a possessive feeling. My mind turns back to the night at the club. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

I hadn't realized the importance of her in my life until we were assigned this project. I hadn't realized everything i'd been waiting for until I walked into the building for the first time and saw her scowling at Gloria. Her beautiful face; scowling. And I had made it my mission to get her to scowl at me.

I knew that day, i'd never have her. I could tell by the way she carried herself, that she'd never want me. It was easier to get her to hate me then to love me. Because at least if she despised me, i'd at least be something to her.

I'd live through a thousand days of her hating me, a thousand days of her insults, a thousand days of her scowls, if it meant seeing her. I'd do anything for her to see me.


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