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The duel between my father and my older brother could be described in one word; intense. Brother has grown so much that he's now able to put up a good fight against father.

"Princess! Where are you going! We must evacuate now!" (Young purple Ogre)

"There's no need! Lord Veldora's companion has killed the Orc Lord!" (Princess Ogre)

Yes, what I am speaking is true. Lord Veldora suddenly appeared in front of father and the rest, stopping the Orcs dead in their tracks.

They are fairly far out, so I cannot hear what they're saying. It would appear that Father and Brother are arguing, which leads up to a duel.

Do you people have no courtesy to those two individuals before you?! You better tell me that you asked their permission to fight!

Both of them were hot-headed, so it could've been a possibility that they got heated and just started to cross swords. Aside from Lord Veldora himself, the mysterious being clad in divine jet-black clothing paired with that divine white cape seemed uninterested in the duel.

That being crossed the barrier that Lord Veldora made with ease and started to speak to the Orcs.

"Goodness me, even I can't analyze the entirety of that barrier, yet that person passed through it with such ease..." (Princess Ogre)

"The what? Barrier...?" (Young purple Ogre)

I giggled, her confused expression was adorable. "It's nothing, just me talking to myself."

I look towards Father and Brother again, observing their duel. If I'm correct, from the way their mouths are moving, they should be saying—

"Good! But not good enough!" (Red Ogre Leader)

Father hits a heavy strike towards my Brother. Brother barely catches the attack, yet, he manages to push away and counter.

Their similar sword techniques were dazzling to watch. I could tell they were giving it their all. But, a beautiful form alone does not equate to a stronger one.

Brother kept on charging towards Father. He was carefully analyzing and anticipating whatever move Father would take, which allows him to keep on his onslaught. At best, he was only pushing back Father little by little.

"Hyah!" (Young Ogre)

"—?!" (Red Ogre Leader)

I wasn't able to fully tell, but it seemed like Brother landed a powerful blow to the side. Father got on his knees and gripped his waist.

"You clever child, that's what you were aiming for?!" (Reg Ogre Leader)

"It is Father. Don't pretend like your injury from that time isn't affecting you! You're not in tip-top shape, that's why I can fight you on equal grounds." (Young Ogre)

Father laughs, "Hahahaha! Well done, son! indeed, I'm not as good as I used to be anymore, but that doesn't mean I could lose to a brat like you." (Red Ogre Leader)

Father stands up and faces Brother once more. 

That reminds me, isn't this how Mother described how she fell in love with Father? 

As I was about to observe the duel again, a sudden magical formation immediately caught my attention.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, with wide eyes I yelled, "W-what is that thing!?"

It looked like a gate, but it had an aura to it that kept my eyes on it the whole time. At this point, the duel I was watching just now, seems so small and uninteresting in comparison.

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