1. Baby steps

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My mother told me i'm starting school at Hexide. She helped me put on my first uniform with Gray sleves and took me to the huge building on her Staff. I hadn't thought about school too much before, I was more conserned about my anoying hair. I can't see a thing with them!

– Mr Bump is gonna take Your group to a Classroom, be nice to other kids Darius.– Mother said, while assisting me out off Staff and flew off leving me with other children in front of school.

I looked around to find some friendly faces. I didn't like half-wiches, I didn't want to be mean, they were just scary looking for me. From non scary wiches I noitced many girls, one had Huge bangs... And she Has a third eye... Of course.

A green haired girl with a ponytail, she looks mean, and doesen't talk to anyone. Many shades of Red and Orange hair, puffy and Silcky, braided and not. A lot of wiches were really pretty, and I wanted to be friends with them. But teacher didn't let me... At least for that moment.

– Okay children! I think there should be...15 of you so... P-please don't move!– Mr teacher looked really young for a teacher, he had Black hair and a cute devil palisman walking on his shoulders. I wanted to pet them. – One... Two.. ugh kids don't move!– Man sighed and looked at his clipboard– maybe like this... I'm going to read Your names, please come closer when you hear Your name! Alador Blight?– We all went quiet for a moment, but Noone came.– Alador? Is Alador with us?

– H-huh? Um... Hello? Hi.– Said little boy, playing in dirt from the garden close by. Teacher sighed and took his hand so the boy would stand close to him.

– What were you doing buddy?– Teacher asked the boy.

– Th-there was a bird-d worm... I wanted to look at them...– Boy stuttered while looking around the ground.

– You can do it later, when we're gonna go outside for a Play okay?– Teacher sighed and held his hand.– Edalyn Clathmore?

– Rawr!– Red haird girl jumped out of group and started runnig away.

– N-no! Ahem.. No, You don't.– Mister said and made a circle with his finger. And then an Abomonation apeard! It was so big and cool! I came closer, it was gewey and funny looking. Abomonation took the girl and held her in place, she didn't seem happy about it.– Edalyn, we don't run away from the group.

– You are boring mister butt face.– Girl was moving around but she couldn't get herself out. 

– I am not mister butt face, You can call me Mister Bump.– Man said calmly and looked at his papers.– oh dear... Lilith Clathmore... Here we go again..

– Present! I'm sorry for my sister, she's younger than us and dump.– Said little girl with glasses when she was coming closer to the teacher. She started doing funny faces with her sibling, but she was really calm in comparason.

– Oh.. yes, well lovley, that's good. Thank you for Your behavior...– Teacher looked relived.– Perry Porter.

– Here!

I stoped focusing on the list, I was more intrested in that abomonation holding Eda. It was so ugly! But in a fun way, I wish I could make something like that... I would have so much fun with it! Like... Maybe it could braid my hair... Now when i think about it... My hair is as ugly as an abomonation... Maybe i'm gonna start liking them as well?

– Darius? Is Darius here?– I Heard the teacher and looked in his way.

– H-Here! Here! I'm here! I'm Darius!– I ran happily to the group and standed close to the abomonation. It's super cool and even uglyer when I'm close!

– Heh alright buddy, I see you guys have a big potential... A lot will probobly happen this year... Come on children, it's time to go inside, please hold my friend so you wont get lost.– Teacher said and made really long abomonation with many legs and hands.

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