Chapter 08 - Engagement: Ozzmar

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The canyon walls closed up around them, jagged black cliffs of volcanic rock looming down in judgement as the splinter of the attack force worked its way around to flank the Scraegan positions. Ryke had hated the terrain as soon as he'd seen it on the map, and being up close had not improved his opinion.

The narrow defile meant the Hunter-Killers were tightly packed along their given route, and the blade-like skiffs of Brackenshaw's scout platoon were strung out in a thin, straggled line that looked achingly vulnerable. They moved in single file to give them a chance to use their speed and manoeuvrability in the event of an ambush, but the sight still made him feel uneasy.

Brackenshaw herself was leading the way and he was amazed by the woman's resolve. He'd fought alongside lots of Scout Cadre units during the Brekkan siege, but never in these kind of precision, high-risk operations. Seeing it now up close, he couldn't help but admire the bravery with which these light troops executed their orders. Brackenshaw had been fighting this war a lot longer than him – fear had been burnt out of her.

Brave or not, however, it didn't change the fact that their attack route was a tactical nightmare. They had to rely on Miquelon and the bulk of the strike force maintaining Scraegan attention long enough for Ryke's unit the break into Ozzmar from the east.

And having to rely on Miquelon made him feel sick.

He constantly checked and rechecked the HUD for any sign of movement. Every crevice of rock and every shadowed valley could hide potential ambush. The scouts zipped ahead, their seismic sensors pulsing for any underground movement. So far they'd found nothing, but that didn't make him feel any better.

Ryke winked through the interface, bringing up the live map of the wider operational area. To the east Miquelon's contingent advanced quickly behind a screen of scouting units, the Hunter-Killers loping along in their wake and the armoured contingents bringing up the rear. They were certainly in range if the Scraegans wanted to open fire, but in his experience he found that their adversaries preferred to let their enemies get close before engaging. The Scraegans thrived in the brutality of a close-quarters melee.

Three minutes later he saw the first red threat indicators blink up on the HUD as their advance units spotted Scraegan positions. Seismic readings rippled along the northern perimeter of Ozzmar and Lieutenant Miquelon's voice soon followed.

"Kaber to all combat units," he announced imperiously. "We have identified live hostile targets. Proceed on mission – forward units engage. Armour batteries Altar and Echo follow on close fire support. HK-Rupture, SC-21, advance on your assigned route."

"Lockjaw – Kaber, acknowledged," Ryke replied, tension beginning to tighten his limbs as the two sides drew together. So far their approach route remained clear, but it couldn't last. He upped the pace of his Hunter-Killers, staying close to the dust-kicked wake of Brackenshaw's advance as they worked their way closer.

Then the fighting started.

Thunder echoed from beyond the canyons as Miquelon's contingent engaged the Scraegan defenders of Ozzmar. The Hunter-Killer's auditory filters picked out the snarling roar of furnace cannons, quickly replied to by the booming of human ordnance. Ryke resisted the urge to flick into the broad command channel to hear the inevitable surge in comms that engagement would cause. They needed to keep their comms clear for orders and internal communication.

"SC-21 – Lockjaw, time to pick up the pace," Brackenshaw told him. "Think you can double-time it in those rigs?"

"We'll be right behind you," Ryke answered.

"Alright then. We are moving ahead on target, SC-21 out."

The indicators of Brackenshaw's flight sped up on his display, and he passed the word for his troops to follow suite. Their toothed feet battered the volcanic rock of the canyon floor and he could feel sweat beading on his cheeks as the heat of the region assaulted the Hunter-Killer's coolant systems. On the HUD he saw both friendly and enemy indicators disappearing from the display as battle was joined, the sound of it crashing across the canyons in waves.

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