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(In this one shot, Marinette is dating someone, but he just used her to get information for the other side... I know I have Marinette and Loki date a lot, but I like their ship and I feel like he's good for betrayal type stuff.)

I stand next to Loki, holding his hand tightly. "I can't believe Asgard is gone. It just... blew up. How are you and Thor holding up?" I ask, looking over at my love. "Thor is taking it harshly. He's been staying in his quarters almost constantly. His people need him though. As for me, I'm not entirely sure. It was my home, and has more memories than I can remember, but I always felt... out of place. That bit all made sense when I found out I was a frost giant, but it was still my home."

I nod, and look at him. "It's okay. You're allowed to have your emotions. You can show them. I love you. I won't judge you for it." I place my hands on his face and kiss him. He places his hands on my hips, and kisses me back. 

"Thank you, darling. I love you too." He says, looking in my eyes.

Suddenly, an alarm is going off, and I begin to panic. I look towards Loki and he waves his hand, a sword showing up in it and he hands it to me. He waves it again and he has his usual staff in his hands, and he's in costume.

I run down the hall, into the great hall where everyone is. Or was, but now it's bombed and full of dead bodies, burnt to a crisp. "L-L-Loki." I say, and I feel as he wraps his arms around me. I begin to cry, but stay silent as the tears roll down my face. "Let's go." He says, his voice grave. I nod, and we begin to run to Thor's room.

When we get there, we see him grabbing his hammer and coming up to us. "What happened?" He asks, his voice concerned. 

"Someone has attacked our ship. They attacked the great hall. Everyone was in there. T-t-there were n-no survivors." I say, my voice shaking as I cry harder. Thor wraps his arms around me, and I cry into his shoulder.

I don't have much time to cry, however, because there is suddenly a huge hole in the wall, and everyone is blasted to the wall. I recover first, and see everything on fire. In the middle of the giant hole in the wall, though, there is a giant purple man, and I know I am in trouble.

"Thanos." I say, keeping my voice even. I stare at him, and don't show any emotion. The only thing on my face that I wish was gone was the definite red splotches from me crying, and the few tears.

Neither of us acknowledge them, because the tension in the room is thick. For awhile, I was on Thanos's side. But, I wasn't there because I wanted to be. I was there to save my family; my friends. When I escaped, I went back to the avengers. They immediately excepted me back, and it took me a long time to get over the trauma of it all.

"Marinette." He responds, looking at me. "I've missed you, my daughter." "Don't call me that. I am not your family and I certainly have no respect for you or want to be around you. What do you want?" I ask, still staring at him.

"I came for the tesseract. The one that you've been hiding. Luckily, I know you keep it on your person at all times. Ebony, get it for me." He says, but Thor comes to and yells, "No!" While charging at him. Squidward over here just waves his hand and Thor is chained to the ground, and has a thing over his mouth that makes it so then he can't talk.

"Loki!" I yell, and he wakes up too. He sees me slowly floating towards Ebony, and he just calmly stands up, walking over to Thanos. "Did I do good, Master?" He asks, kneeling down and bowing to him.

"Yes, you did amazingly Loki. Thank you for getting the information that I needed and protecting her. You are no longer in service to me, but I'll let you live." "What?!" I exclaim, turning my head and looking at Loki, slowly floating towards the squid man. "You work for him?" I ask, and I feel as the hurt goes through me. "Of course. Why else would I be with you? You are the most annoying person I've ever met, and I'm thousands of years old. You need to be with him, too. It would do you good to not be such a cry baby. I want to get rid of you. Never see you again. Don't you see? I don't care about you. But your mortal eyes couldn't see it. You are so stupid."

I begin to tear up, but force the tears back down. Thor screams in the background, but I ignore him. "I'm glad you don't." I say. "It really just proves everyone's point on how awful you are. But I though I saw something different in you. I really did. But I guess I was wrong. You don't change. You can't change."

I turn and look at Thanos and say, "Let me go, and I will freely hand you the tesseract." He nods, and I drop to the floor, landing hard. I ignore the pain that shoots up my shins, and walk over to him. I wave my hand, and the tesseract is suddenly in it. I hand it to him, and he smiles. He tries to use it to leave, but it doesn't work.

"It's a fake!" He screams, picking me up by the throat, choking me. "I-I'm sorry." I choke out, and reach for the hidden pocket on my dress. I reach inside and grab the actual thing, and hold it out to him. I feel as my eyes bulge, and my lungs scream for air. 

He grabs it, and squeezes my neck tighter. "You still betrayed me, daughter. I think you deserve this punishment." He squeezes harder, and my head pounds. "Wait- stop. Don't kill her!" Loki yells, and I look at him, begging with my eyes for help. He seems worried, even though he made it very clear that he didn't care.

Thor screams in the background, and all I want is air. But, Thanos squeezes just a little harder, and I hear a loud crack. The pain shoots through me, and I can't see anything, or feel anything. I just hear someone screaming my name, and someone else sobbing. Then the sound stops. And I'm floating. There is no pain. Not even emotional.

I realize that I am dead, and suddenly there is nothing. 

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