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Y/n POV:

Y/n:' Now let's see what ass hat sent me'

I was done eating as me and my dad are thankfully still alive and in one piece, so I can read the message. I also took a shower because, hygiene. Well, anyway, I got the info, so it's reading time!

•Name: Light Yagami

•Age: 17

•Height: 179cm (5'10)

•Sex: Male

•Weigh: 54kg (119lb)

•He is very much popular in our school.

•He practically get's 100% on almost all of his test's so he is practically a genius.

•Is planning to go to a prestigious school that is really difficult to get into.

•His father is a police officer.

•His mother work at home.(I think.)

•He has a little sister that goes to school too.

•They don't have pets.

•In my personal opinion I quite dislike him.'

You only dislike him because he is popular and has outstanding grades. Well at least he let out the obvious facts.'*Sigh*

Y/n:'Should I write this down in my book now or after I played some videogames?... Definitely after some videogames.'

Meanwhile elsewhere:

L:"This case is unprecedented in scope and difficulty because it involves more people than any other case has before. It is also an unforgivable crime of serial murder. In order to solve this case, I need ICPO- no, various world-wide organisation, to cooperate fully. I want you to decide whether you'll support me at this conference. Also, I strongly desire to work with the Japanese Police."

Mr Yagami:"Huh? Wh-why Japan?"

L:"Regardless of how many suspects there are, there is a strong possibility they're Japanese. Even if they aren't Japanese, they are hiding in Japan."

Mr Yagami:"What grounds do you have for your claims?"

L:"Why Japan? I think I can show you very soon by directly confronting the culprit."

Mr Yagami:"A direct confrontation?"

L:"At any rate, I would like to set up headquarters in Japan."

Again elsewhere:
Light POV:

Light:"That was pretty easy to make."

Ryuk:"Hmm? Does that mean you were able to hide the notebook?"

Light:"Yeah, in this drawer."

Ryuk:"Does that count as a hiding place? You left the key in the lock."

Light:"That's fine. It's better that I intentionally left the key in a noticeable place."

I opened the drawer to show Ryuk the fake diary inside.

Ryuk:"It's just a regular diary."

Light:"Most people will probably be satisfied with the secrets of this drawer after reading this diary. But...the real key...is this. There's nothing suspicious about having one of these on my desk. It's just a regular ballpoint pen. I'll use the ink cartridge."

Ryuk:"That's the key?"

Light:"Yeah. On the back of the drawer, there's a small hole that's hard to notice if you don't look closely. You put this in the hole."

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