One (part 1)

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It's not every day I have to pretend I'm not in love with my best friend's boyfriend, but here I am, trapped in a car with Kalani and Emmett, pretending I don't care they're making kissy faces at each other. It wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't driving, or if Kalani had ridden shotgun, but no, they're both in the back practically on top of each other, while I drive them around like an underpaid chauffeur instead of their friend.

We could've all fit in one car, but Emi's father just bought her a two-seater Corvette, so she's driving with her girlfriend, Daphne, for the almost hour-long drive to wherever we're going. This leaves me stuck here, following behind Emi, mentally cursing her for coming up with this surprise Friday night plan, and getting a perfect, unobstructed view of Kalani and Emmet's sickening cuteness in my rearview mirror.

Kalani snuggles her face into Emmett's neck as she laughs at something he says, and my teeth grind together. I love Kalani, she's been my best friend for almost ten years—ever since she moved here from Hawaii in the second grade—and it's for that reason I try not to be bitter, try not to imagine my face snuggling into Emmett's neck, my laughter responding to stupid inside jokes.

I must make a face visible in the rearview mirror that says I'm going to puke because Emmett clears his throat and turns his full, magnetic gaze toward me. It burns right through to my soul.

"So, Carina, I saw your latest project in the art room. It's coming along great."

He noticed my work? Don't blush, don't blush. I focus on the trees blurring past us on the open back road.

"You think so? Thanks. Clay isn't really my favorite medium, but that's the project."

"No, it's great! You really captured the emotions on the model's face," he says.

My name wasn't on the project and it was on a counter with everyone else's. That means he must've asked which one was mine. Oh my God.

My crush on Emmett started in the ninth grade when I was carrying a bunch of art supplies to class. I dropped everything and paint splattered all over my shirt. I was petrified and doing a poor job of holding back tears when Emmett showed up, practically surrounded by glowing white lights and a church hymn, as if an angel itself had materialized in front of me. Not only did he help me to my feet, scold the people around us for gawking and laughing, and help me pick up all the materials, but he also gave me his sweater. Like right off his back. That's Emmett for you, he's just so good. I don't think he has a mean bone in his body.

As if that wasn't enough to make me fall in love, I shortly discovered that he was into art, and we became fast friends. I'm still as smitten as I was that first time I met him, and it's been over three years. It doesn't help that he's gorgeous with his curly chestnut hair and eyes so blue I could swim in them. Eyes that are currently trained on me, waiting patiently for me to respond.

I'm spared from having to think up a cohesive response when Kalani shoves her phone screen toward Emmett. "Guys, it's couples' night at Murphey's tomorrow! Free appetizers for couples and trivia night! We have to go— oh." She trails off as she notices me in the driver's seat, practically with a neon sign pointing at me declaring I'm Single!

"Nevermind," she huffs. "Guess we can't bring a single person."

"Don't say that!" Emmett reprimands as I shrink into my seat. "I'm sure they'll make an exception. You can be on our team, Carina."

"No, it's okay, you guys have fun," I tell them, trying not to think about how Saturday night used to be our night. Mine, Emi's, and Kalani's. We also did stuff together all the time during the week, but Saturday night was the dedicated girl's night.

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