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It was indeed a celebration, and we were treated like royalty ourselves by the rejoicing pixies. They did insist we join them for a celebration dinner, and after being introduced to scores of them we were led to dressing rooms that were clearly meant for human guests. We were ushered into separate rooms next to each other, where they proceeded to pamper us within an inch of our lives.

First was a hot bath in a large, claw-footed tub, complete with rose petals and lightly scented pink soap shaped like a butterfly. By then I needed the downtime so it was a relief. I'd missed baths very much and could have stayed in the rest of the evening, but after half an hour I was wrapped in a robe for my manicure and pedicure. Next a talented makeup artist did some things to my face that made me look kind of amazing, despite being mostly unrecognizable.

I had a fancy dress for such occasions but they had a wardrobe of them in all sizes, and I chose an emerald green one. I was left alone to put it on, which I did, turning in front of the full-length mirror to admire it.

There was a light knock on the door. "Come in," I said, having no idea what I was in for.

Sylvie stepped into the doorway wearing a deep blue gown that touched the floor. The sweetheart neckline was held up with spaghetti straps and showed the swells of her breasts. Her fiery red curls were braided at the crown and fell free down her back. "I am not used to this," she said, crossing her arms self-consciously.

Oh my fucking heart. "Wow," I said, staring and not even trying to stop. "You look..." I faltered, because she was smiling now at me and I didn't have a single clear thought in my head. If only there were words perfect enough to match her. "Absolutely exquisite." I looked her up and down in blatant appreciation. "If you don't mind me saying so." I'd never wanted anyone so much in my life and it had to have shown on my face.

She was clearly pleased, though I couldn't see her emotions as her guard was fully up in this unfamiliar place, however kind they were. "I don't mind," she said shyly. "And I'm sorry but I honestly don't have words for how beautiful you are. In any language."

"Oh," I said, flustered and flattered. "It's mostly the makeup--"

She stepped forward and took my hands. "It's mostly you being beautiful."

"I--you--" Words, what were words?

She looked at her arms. "I couldn't even wear this dress were it not for you."

That took me a second but I realized she meant the scars removed by the salve. "Please believe you would be no less stunning if you still had them," I said, meaning it.

Her eyes were outlined in kohl and had no trouble holding mine as she appraised me. "You are really something else," she said softly. I wouldn't have turned down a kiss right then, but some sort of gong was sounding. "C'mon, let's get this over with and get out of here," she suggested, tugging me to the door. "Not that I hated the pampering."

The table in the great hall was so long we could scarcely see one end when we were seated at the other. We were regaled with so many platters, we didn't know where to start. It was fun to play dress-up now and then, and seeing everyone in their best clothes, merry and celebratory, made it that much more tolerable. Most of the pixies wore plenty of makeup as well, so it was no wonder their artists were so skilled.

It was also incredibly loud, and I noticed Sylvie wincing at it. Luckily I had a solution for that, and I pulled them from the little clutch I carried. "Here," I told her, putting two of the tiny plastic earplugs into her hand. "They cancel out the background noise, while allowing you to hear close conversation." I popped my own in and the roaring of the crowd was reduced to a murmur. Bliss.

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