Ch 23

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Y/n:- hey hey, calm down first

Aera:- how can I?

Y/n:- but I don't see a problem in being his girlfriend?

Aera:- ig you're blind? I see hundreds of problems and the biggest one is, you're still not of the right age, so if he plays with your heart?

Y/n:- Aera, I know him for months-

Aera:- exactly! Another point. You are friends for months but it's not been a single year.!!

Y/n:- Aera... I understand. You've a point. But I just can't break up with him after accepting the proporsal right?

Aera:- nothing matters, when it's about somebody's feelings

Y/n:- Aera, I-I like him. So I can't. Just let me spend a month with him. I promise if he hurts me I'll break up

Aera:- fine! Just a month

She said and went back to her room. I thought what has gotten into her. I saw this side of her for the first time ever.

After 2 weeks

I'm literally roaming the whole school to find jeong so I can say bye bye to him. I was passing from in front of a unused classroom that I heard a girl mo**ing??
I just thought eww. They're making out in school? But anyways, I've to give them some privacy. Thinking this I was about to pass but I heard a voice

???:- Dumba** don't shout so loudly. Someone might here us.

It's jeong's voice. Tears filled up in my eyes. But no it was time to get a proof so that I can break up with him. I went near the door, while my phone is recording the sounds, and tears flowing from my eyes

jeong:- I love you

???:- I love you too

And that's? That's Aera's voice. Suddenly they both moa*ed loudly. I kept standing in front of the door, still with tears. After 5 minutes they came out while fixing their clothes and were shocked to see me standing

Aera:- y/n?

Y/n:- now I got it why you wanted me to break up with Jeong

Jeong:- y/n, I can explain

Y/n:- I don't need any kind of explanation. I didn't expected this from both of you. I hate trustbreakers.
Jeong you're not my boyfriend anymore, I'm breaking up with you and Aera find a new home or stay with Jeong cause I'm not letting you in my house. Bye for eternity!!

I said this on their face and ran...

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