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R i c c a r d o

It was midday and all of us were together in the family meeting room. But Ariana and Heather weren't in the room because I was afraid the boys would hurt their feelings. . I decided it would be best if we cleared the air otherwise, I would accommodate Ariana and her daughter somewhere else to make them happy. And gradually build the relationship.

"Boys, I want your honest opinions on my decision to let Ariana and Heather stay for a while,"

"Really? You're sure you're not going to be mad?"Luca Questioned.

"Yes, I assure you" Go for it,". I encouraged them.

"Okay, so, I don't mind you have a new lover, but I wished you told us and not wait so many years.  I mean yeah but did you really think it was the right time, I mean Brielle just got here, and you are already thinking of someone to be our step mom,"Luca rambled.

I nodded.

"I agree, like Dad I know it's your life and whatever, but you should have told us soon? Are you planning on marrying her?"

"I mean yes, but if you boys don't agree or accept, I wouldn't ," I told them." Your my kids, I have to put you first.

"But you should have let us meet her, before letting her live her. I mean Angelo is that pissed he isn't here right now," Grey added.

"Yes, I do realize my mistake,".

"Dad, I want you to be happy, we all want you to be happy but you're rushing us into getting know them,". Brayden Explained.

"Brielle, any thoughts?" I asked her.

"Nope,". She was playing with her wheelchair going in circles around the meeting room.

"Okay, last question then."

"Would you like them to stay somewhere else, they wouldn't mind?" I asked, hesitantly.

"I want them to stay," Brielle says first.

"If Brielle is okay with it, then sure." Brayden added.

"And the rest of you?"

"Grey, I'm okay with it,".

"Luca, Leo?".

"Yeah, sure it will be fun, I suppose." Luca says.

"Yup, okay." Leo says.

"Now, I'll have a talk with Angelo and see his view,alright?".

They all nod.

"Let's go eat lunch, Ariana prepared something with Heather,".

I caught Brielle's wheelchair and spinned her around a couple times as she giggled. I walked her towards the elevator while the boys took the stairs. It only took two mintues and we were already out. Brielle's appointment was at four o'clock so we need to leave soon, but I'd let her eat something.

"Don't forget, we're leaving at 3:15, okay?".

"Yes, dad," she laughed.

I was glad to see her happy and laughing it's something we all missed in this house. I placed her onto the left of me while Heather gladly took a seat beside her. Brayden sat next to Heather and then Luca was opposite Brayden and Leo opposite Heather and Ariana at my right. But the other end of the table was lonely, it was left empty. Angelo's seat, he 'd always wait for the day he was finally allowed to sit in that chair, and when it reached his 18th birthday and we had  a big dinner, he gladly took his position, he didn't move the whole time, he wanted to sit on his chair.

I had seen Ariana had prepared mini wraps, and it looked delcious.

"This is really good," Brielle complimented. She had two on her plate and was nearly done with the first one.

"Yeah, " Grey said.

"Why, thank you," she said. I saw the glimmer in her eyes as she thanked them.

"Sooo, Heather what type of hobbies do you have?" Luca asked.

"Oh," She didn't expect for them to ask her anything." I love basketball and sleeping ."

"Same, we should play 1v1, " Luca responded.

"Okay sure, I'll win though,". Heather says.

"Nope, I'm taller and better,".

"So, I could easily win, you being taller is the advantage but I doubt you have any skills,". Brielle and Grey and Leo laughed.

"Hm, we'll see about that."

That's when we heard the door open, and I saw Angelo.

"Dad, can I talk to you?" Angelo asked urgently. I nodded and followed him into the living room.

"I'm sorry, I t's your life and I had no right, arguing about,".

"No, don't be sorry, I should have thought about you guys meeting them before letting them move  in, I'm sorry you have every right to be angry at me,"

Unexpectedly he pulled me into a hug, I hugged him back and whispered into his ear." Don't forget, I love you,".

"I love you too," he said faintly.

We walked back into the dining room were a plate of mini wraps were placed infront of Angelo. He took his seat and diverted his eyes towards Ariana and Heather.

"I'm sorry, about my behaviour,". He apologised.

"No, it's fine, I'm sorry for coming unexpectedly," Ariana said.

He ate his wraps, and Brielle and Heather were in conversation. I listened in and heard they were planning a trip.

I was amazed when I saw Brielle had finished her plate, I didn't congratulate her but I was sure the boys noticed. Ariana knew about what happended to Brielle, and started crying when she found out.

We finished and it was now coming to 3, I told Brielle to go get ready. Ariana and Heather went up with her and it was just us men.

"Thank you," I told them.

They smiled and we decided to talk about the good  memories.


so sorry for the late update, my exams are coming soon. i'll update tomorrow and will try  to update every two days. :)







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