Chapter 65 - Beware the Orphanage Spirits

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˗ˏˋChoosing The Villainess As My Mother ࿐ྂ


Althea Melody (POV)

It's already ten o'clock in the evening, and Mother Cynthia, my dear lady, has tucked me into bed for the night. I'm feeling quite refreshed tonight.

"This world isn't so bad, I suppose," I mused, gazing up at the ceiling.

I glanced around my room and couldn't help but think it might be a tad too spacious for just me. Nevertheless, I quite liked it. It wasn't too shabby.

A gentle breeze pass in through the open balcony door, causing the curtains to sway softly.

"Hmm?" I murmured, sitting up as I noticed a faint glow passing by on the balcony.

(Was that a firefly? It could be, though it seemed a bit brighter.)

I hopped out of bed and slipped on my slippers. As I approached the balcony, I began to hear a clear, soothing sound, reminiscent of a lullaby.

"Interesting," I said to myself, intrigued by the enchanting melody.

"Hmm? Who is that?" I wondered aloud, observing a dark figure of a child passing by outside the fence, some moving slowly while others ran.

(Am I the only one hearing this strange lullaby?)

"Huh? It's raining..." I muttered to myself when suddenly Ephraim appeared next to me. He swiftly pulled me inside, shutting the doors and even locking them.

"What's happening? Why did you do that?" I asked, surprised, as Ephraim drew the curtains closed and turned to face me.

"It's not safe to be out there, master is coming, so don't go onto the balcony, understand?" Ephraim warned, guiding me back to my bed.

"Why is it unsafe for me to go outside?" I asked, puzzled, while Ephraim cautiously peeked out onto the balcony.

"If you ever hear their lullaby again, never open the doors or go outside, or let them see you," Ephraim explained, his gaze serious.

"Why?" I persisted, puzzled, as Mother Cynthia, Maddie, and even Mr. Bosworth rushed into my room, tlooking worried.

"Mother? Maddie? And Mr. Bosworth?" I exclaimed, surprised, as I looked at them.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay, dear!" Mother Cynthia exclaimed, gently caressing my face, while Ephraim had already vanished.

(What's happening?)

(Is there something about this world that I don't know?)

"What's happening, Mother? Why are none of you asleep yet?" I questioned, as Mother Cynthia simply stared at me.

"My dear, can you hear their lullabies?" Mother Cynthia asked, and I nodded in response.

(I mean, I do have ears, so of course I can hear them very clearly.)

"Yes, I can hear them, they're getting louder and closer," I confirmed, watching Mr. Bosworth peeking behind the curtains of the window.

"Bosworth, are they still there?" Mother Cynthia asked, to which Mr. Bosworth nodded.

"They are still out there, Your Grace. I just saw a little girl in her nightgown walking and following those children," Mr. Bosworth reported, his expression serious.

"What's happening? Is there something I should know, Mother?" I asked, feeling confused as I glanced back and forth between them.

"I had forgotten that today is the day those children would appear tonight," Mother Cynthia admitted.

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