Chapter 19:

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19. Pickled Vegetables
Translator: Sissy That Walk

Granny Shen had finished the first batches of clothes, Lu Lin was so glad that Chen Xiao Mi recommended Granny Shen for Granny Shen's work was impeccable, and she was really smart in saving fabric. She made two outfits for Lu Lin, and one outfit for Chen Xiao Cai and Chen Xiao Mai each, and she had only used the minimum amount of fabric.

Chen Xiao Cai and Chen Xiao Mai were elated on seeing the new clothes. Most of their clothes were adjusted by Chen Xiao Mi as hand-medowns. And the truth was Chen Xiao Mi’s sewing was a bit unpresentable.

Chen Xiao Cai cherished his new clothes so much that he became overcautious when he was doing house chore.

Lu Lin was excited about the new clothes as well, Chen Xiao Mi's old clothes were too small for him, finally he had clothes that was his size.

Granny Shen had won Lu Lin's trust completely.

Lu Lin sent more fabric and a quilt to Granny Shen, asking her to make some cotton-padded clothes and winter jackets using the wadding in the quilt.

Chen Xiao Mi had hunted a lot of rabbits and foxes, he would sell the furs when they were in good condition and save the damaged one thus he could sew them together for winter. But now he could afford real clothes and quilts, so those damaged furs and animal skins were no longer useful.

Lu Lin selected a few pieces pf the skin and asked Granny Shen to sew them in the collar and the sleeve area.

Granny Shen was surprised to see all the fabrics and the furs, the thought that Chen Xiao Mi could afford so much fine cloth! A lot of villagers couldnt afford to make one outfit throughout the year. But Lu Lin had sent a second batch of fabric within just a few days and there were some furs, damaged they were, but furs!

Winter jackets were more time-consuming, so Lu Lin raised Granny Shen's pay.

Things went on smoothly. Lu Lin got eight pieces of cotton-padded clothes from Granny Shen in the following two weeks. Four for adults and four for the kids.

“These clothes are so great!” Chen Xiao Mi stroked the clothes and exclaimed.

“They are superior in quality.” Lu Lin echoed. Once again, Lu Lin was glad that Chen Xiao Mi had recommended Granny Shen.

“I can't believe Granny Shen has made so many pieces with the fabric we give her.” Chen Xiao Mi was full of praise.

“Granny Shen is a great tailor, she is so smart in saving fabric.” Lu Lin was very satisfied as well.

Lu Lin was very low-key when he visited Granny Shen, but word travelled fast in Big Stone Village, plus the new outfits had really made them conspicuous, so people knew Lu Lin had been asking Granny Shen to make clothes for him and the Chen Brothers.

Lu Tong turned green with envy when she saw Lu Lin and his new outfits.

Lu Tong had borne a grudge against Lu Lin when he turned her down about helping out in the Autumn Harvest, she had been cursing Lu Lin secretly and hoped Chen Xiao Mi would abuse him. But to her surprise, Chen Xiao Mi was so nice to Lu Lin, and he even had bought fabrics for Lu Lin.

In Granny Shen's house.

Granny Shen counted the coins Lu Lin had paid her, it was three hundred and fifty cents in total, Granny Shen was so gratified.

“Grandma, Lu Lin ge is so generous.” Shen Chi said.

Granny Shen nodded, “We can buy some rice and flour with this money. The money had come so timely, otherwise we will starve in winter.”

Shen Chi hesitated a little while before he opened his mouth again, “Grandma, I heard Chen Xiao Mi ge has found some ginseng in the mountain and he managed to get a good price for it, that’s why he has been so generous.”

There were a lot of villagers who were curious about why Chen Xiao Mi and Lu Lin had been so ungrudging, but they didn't like Chen Xiao Cai’s personality, but Chen Xiao Mai was a bit special, so many villagers had been bothering Lu Lin, prying into more information.

Of course Lu Lin wouldn't say a word about the glass marbles, so he came up with the story that Chen Xiao Mi had found some ginseng to silence those villagers.

Word indeed travelled fast in Big Stone Village, soon half of the villagers had heard the story.

“Don't you guys find it strange, the Lus have been talking about how Lu Lin is ill-starred and he will only bring bad luck to his family, but that’s completely not true, look at the Chen Brothers, they are doing so well since Lu Lin married into their family. I think Lu Lin’s grandmother is full of foolish talk, I think Lu Lin is bringing good luck into his new family.”

Shen Chi who was walking past had heard that, and he found that make sense.

Granny Shen put aside the money and checked the picked vegetables in the jar, “Chi, I need you to run an errand for me, send some pickled vegetables to Chen Xiao Mi's house, we need to thank them.”

Granny Shen felt sorry for Lu Lin and the Chen Brothers, she thought Chen Xiao Mi was a hunter, Lu Lin was a man, no way could they cook decent food, Chen Xiao Cai and Chen Xiao Mai were both kids, they must be starving all day.

Lu Lin was so glad when Shen Chi sent them the picked vegetables, he and Chen Xiao Mi had been busy building the kang, he didn't have time or energy to cook, so they had been having coarse food for days. The Chen brothers were not picky eaters, but Lu Lin couldn’ take it any more. He appreciated Granny Shen's kindness even more at that point.

Pickled vegetables were appetizing, Lu Lin enjoyed them very much, and somehow he started to understand why people were obsessed with organic foods, the pickled organic vegetables tasted so good.

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