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When I get back to the house with my dad, I feel refreshed. It wasn't very long, but definitely peaceful. It was as if I had to hold something above my head for hours, but going on the flight with him felt like I could finally drop it.

I sit down on the couch and my dad sits next to me, and I smile over at him. He smiles back, and I lean my head back, closing my eyes. "That was so much fun." I say, still keeping my eyes closed. I feel the joy that's radiating off of him, and he sighs out, "I loved it."

I turn my head and look at him, and he looks back at me. "I have to go back to Paris, don't I?" He gives me a small smile, and I laugh. "I don't want your putty." "My putty?" I laugh harder, and say, "pity. I don't know why the heck I said putty." He laughs, and I do too.

We quiet down after a minute, and I say, "thank you." He looks towards me, and I continue. "I never thanked you. Ever. You have always been there, even when you maybe didn't want to. You have always put me first, even though you haven't even known me my entire life. You are my best friend. My dad. I love you so much, and I have always felt excepted even when I don't deserve it. I love you, and thank you so much."

He doesn't say anything back. Instead, he just leans over and hugs me, and I hug him back, wrapping my wings around us. "I love you too, my little bug." He whispers in my ear, and I smile at the nickname.

When we pull away, I can see tears in his eyes, and I lightly punch his shoulder. "Don't be going soft on me, old man." He chuckles, and nods. A more serious feeling comes over the both of us, along with a following silence.

"What happened with you and Peter?" He asks, and I sigh, leaning forward and resting my elbows on my knees, and rubbing my eyes with my hands. "He wanted different things. It didn't end very pretty. I have told him before that I can't have kids, and that adopting isn't an option for me because it would hurt too bad when my kid grew older than me. When that child died and I would still be exactly how I am now. And I've told him before, when we were younger, but he must have forgotten. And ever since Felix..."

I pause and look away, the memories of those years still completely haunting me. I killed people. I killed Nino. He was my best friend at one point.

I had a hard time living with myself after I came out of the coma like state for 5 years. Even after I woke up at the hospital, I spent a long time doing therapy. I think at one point I was even sedated because of how tormented I was with the fact that I killed so many people.

All because one person got pissed off.

I go back to the present, and look at Tony. "It just didn't work out." He nods, and I wipe a tear from off of my cheek. "He said that we would talk, but I don't know when that will happen. Maybe soon, maybe not. It's up to him."

Tony reaches in front of my wing and rubs my back comfortingly with his hand, and I sigh, closing my eyes and letting my wings drop. "I've been flying around Paris the last couple weeks. I haven't slept a wink. I finally decided to come home, even if it isn't for very long, and I managed to fall asleep on the couch. Became more human after I finally did get some shut eye."

I pause, and take a deep breath. "If you're okay with it, I'm going to the compound tomorrow. Call the others, maybe do some training. After that I'm probably gonna go visit Loki for a day, then come back to Earth and then go to Paris again. Can I crash in my old room?"

Tony nods and I thank him, and say that I'm calling it a night. I head upstairs to my old room, and lay down on the bed, instantly falling asleep.


When I wake up the next day I hear Morgan crying, and I bounce up, waving my hand and cleaning myself up almost instantly. I walk out of the room, stretching my wings, and follow the sound of a crying baby. When I find Pepper in the kitchen, rocking her child and trying to make a smoothie, I rush over and grab Morgan, saying in a high pitched tone, "good morning!" I smile down at the child, glancing up at Pepper. "Take your time. Does she need anything?" I ask, and Pepper sighs, leaning against the counter. "No. Her teeth are still coming in and it's bothering her. I tried the rag thing, but I froze it too much."

I smile, grabbing the baby rag that's on the counter by the sink and getting one of the corners wet, then I freeze it in my hand to the perfect temperature, and stick the frozen end into Morgan's mouth.

After a second she stops crying, and I say to Pepper, "Do what you need to do. I'll watch her for awhile. Where is Dad?" She responds with, "In the basement. Working on who knows what. That's who this smoothie is for." "You aren't even making it for yourself?" She shakes her head no, and I rub Morgan's tummy, saying, "that selfish man."

She laughs and I laugh with her, both of us knowing that Tony is anything but. I mean, he can be at times, but he is extremely generous and selfless.

I put up my disguise, and Morgan laughs as I change. "Oh, you think that's funny?" I say, using my baby voice on her. She laughs again, and I love the sound. The doorbell rings, and I say, "I'll get it!" As my mom starts the blender.

I open the door, and there standing in all his glory is Peter freaking Parker.

I really need to learn to check the peep hole in the door.

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